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Realexamdumps Providing most updated Graduate Record Examinations Question Answers. Here are a few exams:
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Realexamdumps Providing most updated Graduate Record Examinations Question Answers. Here are a few sample questions:
Admission Tests GRE Sample Question 1
Robert Philip argues that the advent of recorded music has directed performance style into a search for greater precision and perfection, with a consequent loss of spontaneity and warmth. Various expressive devices once common in classical music have been almost outlawed, including portamento (sliding from one note to another on a stringed instrument), playing the piano with the hands not quite synchronized, and flexibility of tempo. Philip fully documents these changes. However, other forces independent of recording were also at work. For example, the freedom of tempo so valued by Philip was. in its time, both a necessary expedient and disastrously abused. Recording alone did not cause the reaction against it. although hearing a particularly unintelligent use of it on disc may have reinforced the prejudice. A criticism of Philip implied by the passage is that he
Answer: D
Admission Tests GRE Sample Question 2
The inventory of confirmed planets outside our solar system is growing rapidly, although it is_________by the fact that it is easier to detect big planets than small ones and planets close to their parent stars than those farther away.
Answer: A, F
Admission Tests GRE Sample Question 3
Which of die following is a reasoning error committed by the argument?
Answer: C Explanation: Explanation: In the margin of a manuscript, the seventeenth-century mathematician Pierre de Fermat stated a certain mathematical theorem and claimed to have a proof of that theorem, but did nol provide the proof. Now. after three hundred years, a proof of the theorem lias been given. But since this proof depends on mathematical ideas not developed until the twentieth century, it is not likely that Fermat himself had a successful proof of the theorem.
Admission Tests GRE Sample Question 4
Discussions of the collapse of the lowland Maya are not new. However, it might be better to say that Maya civilization as a whole did not collapse, although many zones did experience profound change. Because societies are not bounded, unitary entities. collapses are rarely total, and continuity is a normal pan of collapse At the end of the Classic period [200 900 C.E.]. the institution of divine kingship and many of the well-known markers of elite culture such as carved stelae [slabs erected for funerals or commemorative purposes] and hieroglyphic polychromes [multicolored artistic pottery) ended, but Maya civilization continued in modified form with many important features intact (e.g.. literacy, war. art. the production of fine ceramics). In some cases large buildings were constructed in the Postclassic period [900-1512 C.E.], but the transition to the Early Postclassic [900-1200 CXj era is distinctive for a decrease in elite goods and contexts. The variability in artifact changes during the Terminal Classic [800-900 C.E.] and into the Postclassic. even within artifact classes (e.g.. fine versus unslipped ceramics), suggests weaker centralized control than during the Classic period. Site abandonments in the Terminal Classic indicate the collapse of the functional ability of Maya states, but sites that survived show that Maya civilization continued albeit without divine kingship and much of the spectacle around it. The passage suggests which of the following about Maya living after the Terminal Classic in "sites that survived"?
Answer: D
Admission Tests GRE Sample Question 5
Though mathematics is________, like language, it has its roots in the mud of everyday embodied experience: one such root is counting.
Answer: C, E
Admission Tests GRE Sample Question 6
According 10 the classical idea of space-time reality, two particles, identical or not, can be distinguished by tracing the motion of the particles along their trajectories. This idea is (1)________that the particles can be observed continuously, a belief that is (ii)________with respect to macroscopic bodies, but not with respect to free atoms. which (iii)________constant observation.
Answer: A, F, I
Admission Tests GRE Sample Question 7
The unwillingness of either political party to surrender any ground on the issue makes compromise unlikely: both sides are too_________.
Answer: D, G
Admission Tests GRE Sample Question 8
In the age of new media technologies, the (i)_________an event and its recording appears to have been (ii)_________: rather than referring to a concert in which both performers and audience members are (iii)M "live" is increasingly used to identify the way in which a performance was recorded or transmitted.
Answer: B, F, I
Admission Tests GRE Sample Question 9
One reason researchers have long believed that Mars never enjoyed an extensive period of warm and wet climate is that much of the surface not covered by wind-borne dust appears to be composed of unweathered material If water flowed for an extended period, researchers reasoned, it should have altered and weathered the volcanic minerals, creating clays or other oxidized, hydrated phases (minerals that incorporate water molecules in their crystal structure). It turns out. though, that the scientists were not looking closely enough. New high-resolution mapping data and close-up surface studies have revealed clays and other hydrated minerals in many regions The clay deposits are scattered all over, in ancient volcanic surfaces and heavily cratered highland regions, some of which have apparently been exposed by erosion only recently. It can be inferred from the passage that the author would agree with which of the following statements regarding the reasoning discussed in the highlighted sentence?
Answer: D
Admission Tests GRE Sample Question 10
Despite the general_________of Roman archaeological studies toward the major cities and their monuments, archaeology has contributed much to a better understanding of rural developments in Roman territory.
Answer: D, F
Admission Tests GRE Sample Question 11
Because most of the fish and waterfowl observed in the Arctic Ocean are (i)_________species, disruptive changes at all levels of the Arctic food chain that have resulted from rapid warning and loss of sea ice there will (ii)_________ ecosystems in more southerly habitats.
Answer: B, E
Admission Tests GRE Sample Question 12
Unfortunately. most of the (i)_________suburbia comes from metropolitan critics who glimpse it only fleethigly. Accustomed to the more structured forms of the city, they see only visual (ii)_________. And failing to recognize the interactions customary in an urban setting in the social and community life of suburbanites, they see social (iii)_________and miss the real diversity and richness.
Answer: B, E, G
Admission Tests GRE Sample Question 13
A total of S72.000 was invested for one month in a new money market account that paid simple annual interest at the rate of r percent- If the investment earned $360 in interest for the month, what is the value of r?
Answer: C
Admission Tests GRE Sample Question 14
If set 5 consists of the squares of the integers from -5 to 5. inclusive, how many elements are in set S ?
Answer: C
Admission Tests GRE Sample Question 15
For the five days shown, the median daily number of television viewers, in millions, was closest to which of the following?
Answer: E
Admission Tests GRE Sample Question 16
The following appeared in a letter to the editor of a Batavia newspaper "The department of agriculture in Batavia reports that the number of dairy farms throughout the country is now 25 percent greater than it was 10 years ago. Dunne this same time period, however, the price of milk at the local Excello Food Market has increased from SI.50 to over S3.00 per gallon. To prevent farmers from continuing to receive excessive profits on an apparently increased supply of milk, the Batavia government should begin to regulate retail milk prices Such regulation is necessary to ensure fair prices for consumers." Write a response in which you discuss what questions would need to be answered in order to decide whether the recommendation is likely to have the predicted result Be sure to explain how the answers to these questions would help to evaluate the recommendation
Answer: Answer: See the detailed answer in explanation. Explanation: Explanation: The letter slates a proposal to act as a solution for a given problem. It states that milk producers have increased the price of milk inspite of an increase in the supply, which enables them to receive excessive profits. The given suggestion is that government intervention might be a possible solution for addressing this issue. The proposal has given only a subjective view but has failed to prove how the government intervention might help them reach the required outcome through valid evidences.Firstly. The letter has failed to address the population growth in the region of Batavia. in the event of considering the supply and demand in a place. It is crucial to take into consideration the population of the place the equal proportion of the growth in the number of dairy farms This might lead to many reasons and it could also dissolve the issue if the population outburst might have happened.Another major issue that the letter has failed to address is the impact of the general rise in inflation. It is to be understood that in any economy it is imperative that there would be an increase in the price of products and services over a period of time There could even be an increase in the raw materials fodder, and medical expenses incurred by the dairy farm owners and milk manufacturers.The third arbitrary assumption made by the letter would be that the profit are being solely taken by the manufacturers., the labor wages, cost of production and even the cost incurred during the delivery might have substantially increased. If various such factors are to be considered then the appropriate solution cannot be just the government intervention and there might be a need for a more comprehensive solution.To conclude, the letter might appear to have addressed the issue but in reality it has failed to new it from the different dimension and ultimately fails to give a clear responsive view with valued evidences and supportive data.
Admission Tests GRE Sample Question 17
The following appeared in a letter from the owner of the Sunnyside Towers apartment complex to its manager. "Last week, all the showerheads in the first three buildings of the Sunnyside Towers complex were modified to restrict maximum water flow to one-third of what it used to be. Although actual readings of water usage before and after the adjustment are not yet available, the change will obviously result in a considerable savings for Sunnyside Corporation, since the corporation must pay for water each month. Except for a few complaints about low water pressure, no problems with showers have been reported since the adjustment. Clearly, modifying showerheads to restrict water flow throughout all twelve buildings in the Sunnyside Towers complex will increase our profits further." Write a response in which you examine the stated and or unstated assumptions of the argument. Be sure to explain how the argument depends on these assumptions and what the implications are for the argument if the assumptions prove unwarranted.
Answer: Answer: See the detailed answer in explanation. Explanation: Explanation: The given letter is from the owner of the Sunny side apartment complex to the manager of the buildings and it is regarding the replacement of the showerheads in the buildings and the statement is made making an assumption that in the future there would be more profit if they make the same changes to more profits.The owner has stated bis perspective by taking into account a generalized view point and also given the lack of evidentiary values creates a dearth and paucity in the statements made by the owner. The weakness in the statement is purely created due to the general assumption of the owner and not based on the data or substantial evidence of the observation made in the changes in the building.The Drawbacks have been mentioned by the owner but they have not been considered seriously as negative possibilities that might cause them future expenses. The other important aspect is the lack of the consideration given to the various factors. The owners statement are primarily focused on the profits and they negate all other aspects such as the water pressure and the exact data which he clearly states is unavailable till now.[Without considering the exact usage of the water based on the number of people whoare using, the exact number of shower heads, the total amount of water consumed.the average supply of water in the building, the totla profit that they might make, theoverheads cost and the cost of installation of the new shower heads all need tostipulated and then considered on a serious note before they proceed with thechanges.The owner needs to conduct a proer study of the data rather than making a hyperbolicassumption that they would meet profits, given that there is not guarantee for thesame.It is essential for the statement to also consider the extent of profit that they couldmake (brought the proposed change.To conclude, it is essential for the statement postulated in the letter to consider morecomprehensive aspects before arriving at the conclusion that would only undermineand weaken the perspective of the given letter.
Admission Tests GRE Sample Question 18
Colleges and universities should require their students to spend at least one semester studying in a foreign country. Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with (lie claim. In developing and supporting your position- be sure to address the most compelling reasons and or examples that could be used to challenge your position.
Answer: Answer: See the detailed answer in explanation. Explanation: Explanation: Educational institutions have played a vital role in forming the basis and the foundation for any student. Many places of study nowadays encourage students to travel and explore new places of study and also explore the possible learning experiences across the globe. I personally agree with the given statement that each individual should be encouraged to travel and study from various places which would improve not just their knowledge but also enhance their exposure to the various cultural and anthropological features in the foreign place.I have always been inquisitive and eager to know about the eastern culture and the tradition and even many of the languages. If I get the opportunity to travel and study I will be fortunate to experience the nuances of the culture first hand. To add on. in person experience leaches a student about the inclusive nature of the individual in a new environment. It would also show them the various ideas and theories about their field of study.For example, my friend who studied architecture went to japan for a semester and he was amazed by the kind of buildings and the kind of patterns the people had used. It helps us to understand the various possibilities and the various horizons that we might not even be exposed to if we do not travel.It is significant and important for every person to travel to the new places in order to explore about the learning options and also to learn about themselves. Universities are the place where on get sthe opportunity to learn as much as and even make any errors as they are a student. Learning possibilities and options are open and they get to learn and explore as much as possible.To conlcude. I have alwasy believed that a student is someone who has been boundaries or borders for learnign and he ought to explore as much as possible beyond the geographical barriers.
Admission Tests GRE Sample Question 19
The following appeared in a letter to the editor of a Batavia newspaper "The department of agriculture in Batavia reports that the number of dairy farms throughout the country is now 25 percent greater than it was 10 years ago. During this same time period, however, the price of milk at the local Excello Food Market has increased from SI.50 to over $3.00 per gallon. To prevent farmers from continuing to receive excessive profits on an apparently increased supply of milk, the Batavia government should begin to regulate retail milk prices Such regulation is necessary to ensure fair prices for consumers." Write a response in which you discuss what questions would need to be answered in order to decide whether the recommendation is likely to have the predicted result Be sure to explain how the answers to these questions would help to evaluate the recommendation
Answer: Answer: See the detailed answer in explanation. Explanation: Explanation: The letter states a proposal to act as a solution for a given problem. It states that milk producers have increased the price of milk inspite of an increase in the supply, which enables them to receive excessive profits. The given suggestion is that government intervention might be a possible solution for addressing this issue. The proposal has given only a subjective view but has failed to prove how the government intervention might help them reach the required outcome through valid evidences.Firstly. The letter has failed to address the population growth in the region of Batavia. in the event of considering the supply and demand in a place. It is crucial to take into consideration the population of the place the equal proportion of the growth in the number of dairy farms This might lead to many reasons and it could also dissolve the issue if the population outburst might have happened.Another major issue that the letter has failed to address is the impact of the general rpice inflation. It is to be understood that in any economy it is imperative that there would be an increase in the price of products and services over a period of time. There could even be an increase in the raw materials, fodder, and medical expenses incurred by the dairy farm owners and milk manufacturers.The third arbitrary assumption made by the letter would be that the profits are being solely taken by the manufacturers, the labor wages, cost of production and even the cost incurred doing the deliver) might have substantially increased. If various such factors are to be considered then the appropriate solution cannot be just the government intervention and there might be a need for a more comprehensive solution.To conclude, the letter might appear to have addressed the issue but in reality it has failed to view it from the different dimension and ultimately fails to give a clear responsive view with valued evidences and supportive data.
Admission Tests GRE Sample Question 20
The following appeared as a letter to the editor from the owner of a skate shop in Central Plaza. "Two years ago the city council voted to prohibit skateboarding in Central Plaza. They claimed that skateboard users were responsible for litter and vandalism that were keeping other visitors from coming to the plaza. In the past two years, however, there has been only a small increase in the number of visitors to Central Plaza. and litter and vandalism are still problematic. Skateboarding is permitted in Monroe Park, however, and there is no problem with litter or vandalism there. In order to restore Central Plaza to its former glory, then, we recommend that the city lift its prohibition on skateboarding in the plaza." Write a response in which you discuss what questions would need to be answered in order to decide whether the recommendation and the argument on which it is based are reasonable. Be sure to explain how the answers to these questions would help to evaluate the recommendation.
Answer: Answer: See the detailed answer in explanation. Explanation: Explanation: The given letter describes in detail the recommendation of the owner of a skate shop in the central plaza.The letter mentions that the city council had prohibited and imposed restrcitions on the usage of skateboard in the central plaza.though the argument in the letter deems to be possible, there are various illsutration and dearth of facts that makes the arguement placed in the letter to be weak and it is also subject lo be undermined.Firstly, the number of other factors have not been considered or taken into account. there must be simple and logical solution stated for the menace stated by the authorities. The owner has not stated or even refuted the argument of the council which makes the argument to be flawed. The other fcators have to be questioned and the reasons on how to stop them in future need to be introspected.Secondly, comparative statement about the other park has been stated in an ambiguous manner and the owner has failed to mention clear and concrete illustrations, paradigm question needs to be. if both the parks are of the same kind and the same nature. They should also be in a position to answer the question pertaning to the prohibitive mechanism and also the differences between the parks. I would also like to question if both the plazas follow the same protocol and litter control norms.Thirdly, failed to mention on how the the factor of lilting the band and restriction would be advantageous for the general public and the city council. This argument is also not supported . There might be several other reasons except the prohibition that causes only a small increase in the number of clientele. For instance, the local population.;! better plaza nearby.
Admission Tests GRE Sample Question 21
The following appeared in a memo from the president of Bower Builders, a company that constructs new homes. "A nationwide survey reveals that the two most-desired home features are a large family room and a large, well-appointed kitchen. A number of homes in our area built by our competitor Domus Construction have such features and have sold much faster and at significantly higher prices than the national average. To boost sales and profits, we should increase the size of the family rooms and kitchens in all the homes we build and should make state-of-the-art kitchens a standard feature. Moreover, our larger family rooms and kitchens can come at the expense of the dining room, since many of our recent buyers say they do not need a separate dining room for family meals." Write a response in which you examine the stated and or unstated assumptions of the argument. Be sure to explain how the argument depends on these assumptions and what the implications are for the argument if the assumptions prove unwarranted.
Answer: Answer: See the detailed answer in explanation. Explanation: Explanation: The memo discusses in detail about the statement s made in order to suppose a suggestion that might get more profits for the firm. It is essential that the statements need to be supported by proper data and facts. The given statement is unsupported and is built upon a basic premise of an expected possibility in the future. The memo states that a change in the manner or pattern in which the house is built will probably be helpful for the company to improve its nature and also profit.The company believes that they would be able to improve the profit by replacing the dining room space with more space for living room and kitchen, they also focus on state of the art kitchen facilities. It is impertaive that the company states the various assumptions and the basis on which these assumptions would be stated. The company has failed to show and prove any given data or fact that ought of lead to the evidence that there might be possible increase in the profits.The preferential choices of the people have also not been stated any where in thepassage. The random generalization only weaknes and undermiens the statement.the statement has to be supported with survey from the people or the purchaserswhich might provide better insights to the given statements.It is essential for the company to consider the other factors and look into the sales forthe holistic perpoective rather that from a profit oriented angle.The type of assumptions made in the memo are subjective and inclined towards agreat extent. which might be flawed in the event of not proving any Isubslantialevidences.To conclude. I think that it is essential for the company to substantiate the views and assumptions with better data and facts, failing which it would remain to be flawed. Any assumptions needs to be places on valid and reasonable ideas without which the core of the premise would hold no good.