Adobe AD0-E709 Dumps - Adobe Commerce Developer Expert PDF Sample Questions

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Realexamdumps Providing most updated Adobe Commerce Question Answers. Here are a few exams:

Sample Questions

Realexamdumps Providing most updated Adobe Commerce Question Answers. Here are a few sample questions:

Adobe AD0-E709 Sample Question 1

An Adobe Commerce developer is being tasked with creating a new cron job to run a method that has already been written. What are the minimally required steps to accomplish this?


A. Create crontab.xml and cron_groups.xml files to assign the new job to a cron group.
B. Create a crontab.xml file and set a schedule for the new cron job.
C. Create a crontab.xml file and a new system configuration in system.xml for the schedule.

Answer: D

Adobe AD0-E709 Sample Question 2

An Adobe Commerce developer is being tasked with creating a new cron job to run a method that has already been written. What are the minimally required steps to accomplish this?


A. Create crontab.xml and cron_groups.xml files to assign the new job to a cron group.
B. Create a crontab.xml file and set a schedule for the new cron job.
C. Create a crontab.xml file and a new system configuration in system.xml for the schedule.

Answer: D

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