CloudBees CJE Dumps - Certified Jenkins Engineer (CJE) PDF Sample Questions

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Certified Jenkins Engineer (CJE)
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Realexamdumps Providing most updated Jenkins Engineer Question Answers. Here are a few exams:

Sample Questions

Realexamdumps Providing most updated Jenkins Engineer Question Answers. Here are a few sample questions:

CloudBees CJE Sample Question 1

Which of the following is true about resuming a Declarative Pipeline?


A. Declarative Pipelines cab be restarted after a Jenkins failure but not after a transient outage (such as a network failure or disk space exhaustion).
B. Declarative Pipelines can be resumed only after a transient outage (such as a network failure or disk space exhaustion).
C. All Declarative Pipelines are restartable by default, with the same inputs (commit to build, parameters, etc) as the original run. Any data that was built In the original run Is available only If the preserveStashes() option Is specified In the Jenkinsfile
D. Declarative Pipelines that use Docker containers can not be resumed because the docker APIs that Jenkins calls to create the container are not serialized
E. A Declarative Pipeline can be restarted only If the preserveStashes() option Is set In the pipeline.

Answer: D

CloudBees CJE Sample Question 2

Which plugin provides Git hook functionality?


A. Both the Git and GitHub Plugins
B. The GitHub Plugin
C. The Git Plugin
D. None of these

Answer: A Explanation: Explanation: Both of these very common plugins provide hook functionalitz

CloudBees CJE Sample Question 3

You have a series of tasks which require execution across different software components to prove the compatibility and functionality of your build and the components as a whole. Which of the following describes the type of testing you will perform?


A. Acceptance testing
B. Smoke testing
C. Unit testing
D. Integration testing

Answer: D Explanation: Explanation: ExplanationTesting the integrated functions of multiple components is integration testinh

CloudBees CJE Sample Question 4

Which is NOT a continuous integration best practice?


A. Maintain a single source repository.
B. Do everything manually with great care.
C. Build every commit.
D. Make the build self-testing.

Answer: A Explanation: Explanation: ExplanationAutomation is a central tenant of continuous integration. Any manual process should be automated to the extent possible.

CloudBees CJE Sample Question 5

Which is the expected workflow for "lest-Driven Development"?


A. Validate with the CI system, write the new functional code, and then verify that the test passes.
B. Write a new test, validate with the a system, and then write the new functional code.
C. Write a new falling unit test, write the new functional code to fix the test, verify that the test passes, and then refactor the code.
D. Write a new failing unit test, write the new functional code to fix the test, and then verify that the test passes.

Answer: D

CloudBees CJE Sample Question 6

How do you navigate to the matrix-based security section of Jenkins?


A. Manage Jenkins -> Configure Global Security
B. Manage Jenkins -> Configure System
C. None of these
D. Manage Jenkins -> Configure Global Options

Answer: A Explanation: Explanation: This is how you would use the dashboard to navigate to the Security section.

CloudBees CJE Sample Question 7

You can set permissions for anonymous users with matrix-based security.


A. False
B. True

Answer: B Explanation: Explanation: Anonymous users can receive permissions in the Jenkins configuration.

CloudBees CJE Sample Question 8

What is Jenkins auditing?


A. Ensuring licenses have been paid for and allocated appropriately
B. Tracking system resources
C. Tracking who did what on your Jenkins server
D. Reviewing Build Failure rate

Answer: C Explanation: Explanation: ExplanationAuditing is the practice of determining what a user has been doing in Jenkins.

CloudBees CJE Sample Question 9

Which of the following is not a default environment variable in a Jenkins project?



Answer: A Explanation: Explanation: The other options are all default environment variablet

CloudBees CJE Sample Question 10

What can a plugin do?


A. Manage credentials for Jenkins
B. All of these
C. Add a build step option to Jenkins
D. Provide backup functionality to Jenkins

Answer: B Explanation: Explanation: Plugins can really be used to add any functionality to Jenkins.

CloudBees CJE Sample Question 11

Your Pipeline has three stages: build, test, and deploy. You want the build and test stages to run automatically (without requiring human interaction), but you want the deploy stage to require approval by a human being. How do you achieve that goal?


A. Use an input step just before the deploy stage.
B. This is not possible using Pipeline, because a Pipeline must run from start to finish without human interaction.
C. Create a separate Pipeline to run the deploy stage.
D. Use a stage step just before the deploy stage.

Answer: B

CloudBees CJE Sample Question 12

What are the main advantages of using webhooks/post commit hooks from your Source Code Management system to trigger your Jenkins project rather than using SCM polling? Choose 2 answers A A. Builds are started on a defined a on schedule.

B. Avoid unnecessary overhead from polling.

C. Builds are started immediately after changes are committed.

D. The entire repository Is scanned so no commits are missed.


Answer: Answer: B, D

CloudBees CJE Sample Question 13

Which is an invalid default project parameter?


A. Boolean
B. File
C. String
D. md5

Answer: D Explanation: Explanation: "md5" is not a common project parameter.

CloudBees CJE Sample Question 14

Which of the following are true about credentials that are implemented in a Declarative Pipeline using the "credentials" or "withCredentials( )" method?

Choose 2 answers


A. All credential bindings support the "Secret Text" and "Standard username and password" credential types.
B. Credential IDs are case Insensitive.
C. The credential types supported are defined by the binding plugin (or the resource being accessed.
D. Most credentials called from a pipeline have Global scope, not System scope.

Answer: A, C

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