Eccouncil 312-38 Dumps - Certified Network Defender (CND) PDF Sample Questions

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Realexamdumps Providing most updated ENSA Question Answers. Here are a few exams:

Sample Questions

Realexamdumps Providing most updated ENSA Question Answers. Here are a few sample questions:

Eccouncil 312-38 Sample Question 1

Which of the following is NOT an AWS Shared Responsibility Model devised by AWS?


A. Shared Responsibility Model for Container Services
B. Shared Responsibility Model for Infrastructure Services
C. Shared Responsibility Model for Abstract Services
D. Shared Responsibility Model for Storage Services

Answer: E

Eccouncil 312-38 Sample Question 2

What command is used to terminate certain processes in an Ubuntu system?


A. #grep Kill [Target Process}
B. #kill-9[PID]
C. #ps ax Kill
D. # netstat Kill [Target Process]

Answer: D

Eccouncil 312-38 Sample Question 3

Which OSI layer does a Network Interface Card (NIC) work on?


A. Physical layer
B. Presentation layer
C. Network layer
D. Session layer

Answer: B

Eccouncil 312-38 Sample Question 4

Fargo, head of network defense at Globadyne Tech, has discovered an undesirable process in several Linux systems, which causes machines to hang every 1 hour. Fargo would like to eliminate it; what

command should he execute?


A. # update-rc.d -f [service name] remove
B. # service [service name] stop
C. # ps ax | grep [Target Process]
D. # kill -9 [PID]

Answer: E

Eccouncil 312-38 Sample Question 5

Which of the information below can be gained through network sniffing? (Select all that apply)


A. Telnet Passwords
B. Syslog traffic
C. DNS traffic
D. Programming errors

Answer: A, B, D

Eccouncil 312-38 Sample Question 6

Which of the following attack surface increase when you keep USB ports enabled on your laptop unnecessarily?


A. Human attack surface
B. Network attack surface
C. Physical attack surface
D. Software attack surface

Answer: D

Eccouncil 312-38 Sample Question 7

Identify the network topology where each computer acts as a repeater and the data passes from one computer to the other in a single direction until it reaches the destination.


A. Ring
B. Mesh
C. Bus
D. Star

Answer: B

Eccouncil 312-38 Sample Question 8

Sam, a network administrator is using Wireshark to monitor the network traffic of the organization. He wants to detect TCP packets with no flag set to check for a specific attack attempt. Which filter will he use to view

the traffic?


A. Tcp.flags==0x000
B. Tcp.flags==0000x
C. Tcp.flags==000x0
D. Tcp.flags==x0000

Answer: B

Eccouncil 312-38 Sample Question 9

Which among the following tools can help in identifying IoEs to evaluate human attack surface?


A. securiCAD
B. Amass
C. Skybox

Answer: B

Eccouncil 312-38 Sample Question 10

Based on which of the following registry key, the Windows Event log audit configurations are recorded?


C. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINECurrentControlSetServicesEventLog
D. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetServicesEventLog

Answer: E

Eccouncil 312-38 Sample Question 11

John is working as a network defender at a well-reputed multinational company. He wanted to implement security that can help him identify any future attacks that can be targeted toward his organization and

take appropriate security measures and actions beforehand to defend against them. Which one of the following security defense techniques should be implement?


A. Reactive security approach
B. Retrospective security approach
C. Proactive security approach
D. Preventive security approach

Answer: D

Eccouncil 312-38 Sample Question 12

Jason has set a firewall policy that allows only a specific list of network services and deny everything else. This strategy is known as a____________.


A. Default allow
B. Default deny
C. Default restrict
D. Default access

Answer: C

Eccouncil 312-38 Sample Question 13

If there is a fire incident caused by an electrical appliance short-circuit, which fire suppressant should be used to control it?


A. Water
B. Wet chemical
C. Dry chemical
D. Raw chemical

Answer: D

Eccouncil 312-38 Sample Question 14

Assume that you are a network administrator and the company has asked you to draft an Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) for employees. Under which category of an information security policy does AUP fall into?


A. System Specific Security Policy (SSSP)
B. Incident Response Policy (IRP)
C. Enterprise Information Security Policy (EISP)
D. Issue Specific Security Policy (ISSP)

Answer: B

Eccouncil 312-38 Sample Question 15

Which of the following is an example of MAC model?


A. Chinese Waterfall model
B. Clark-Beason integrity model
C. Access control matrix model
D. Bell-LaPadula model

Answer: B

Eccouncil 312-38 Sample Question 16

Harry has sued the company claiming they made his personal information public on a social networking site in the United States. The company denies the allegations and consulted a/an _______ for legal

advice to defend them against this allegation.


A. Evidence Manager
B. Incident Handler
C. Attorney
D. PR Specialist

Answer: D

Eccouncil 312-38 Sample Question 17

You are an IT security consultant working on a contract for a large manufacturing company to audit their entire network. After performing all the tests and building your report, you present a number of recommendations

to the company and what they should implement to become more secure. One recommendation is to install a network-based device that notifies IT employees whenever malicious or questionable traffic is found. From

your talks with the company, you know that they do not want a device that actually drops traffic completely, they only want notification. What type of device are you suggesting?


A. The best solution to cover the needs of this company would be a HIDS device.
B. A NIDS device would work best for the company
C. You are suggesting a NIPS device
D. A HIPS device would best suite this company

Answer: C

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