Esri EADP19-001 Dumps - ArcGIS Desktop Professional 19-001 PDF Sample Questions

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Realexamdumps Providing most updated Technical Certification Question Answers. Here are a few exams:

Sample Questions

Realexamdumps Providing most updated Technical Certification Question Answers. Here are a few sample questions:

Esri EADP19-001 Sample Question 1

When rematching geocoding results, a user notices that E St Is being interpreted as East St. How snould a user resolve this Issue for future geocoding?


A. remove the entry defining E to mean east In the geocoding XML files
B. recreate the address locator with new reference data
C. create a composite address locator where E is not recognized as east
D. change E to east in the input table to be geocoded before geocoding

Answer: D

Esri EADP19-001 Sample Question 2

An ArcGIS user is tasked with creating a map of the state of Utah displaying all the rivers for a conservation group. The conservation group is only interested in seeing rivers longer than 15 miles, where the longer rivers appear thicker using graduated symbols.

What are two ways the ArcGIS user can eliminate rivers less than 5 miles in length from appearing in the map? (Choose two)


A. Build a label expression
B. Built a data exclusion expression
C. Build a definition query
D. Build a layer expression

Answer: B, E

Esri EADP19-001 Sample Question 3

In a disconnected environment a data receiver fails to send acknowledgement messages often enough. How will the data sender respond?


A. Resends change messages
B. sends the next change messages
C. Slops sending change messages
D. Discards the change messages

Answer: B

Esri EADP19-001 Sample Question 4

Q35) When converting a raster dataset to a polygon feature class, which parameter choice would result in polygon boundaries that most obviously reflect the cell shape of the raster input data source?


A. Simplify polygons checked
B. Simplify polygons unchecked
C. pyramid resampling technique set to cubic
D. tile size block set to 128

Answer: C

Esri EADP19-001 Sample Question 5

An ArcGIS user creates a map showing the level of human Impact on the natural landscape. Major habitat types are shown with unique colors, and the level of disturbance for each habitat Is shown with a graduated symbol.

What is this type of map symbology?


A. Multisymbol
B. multivariate
C. unique value many fields
D. proportional symbol

Answer: C

Esri EADP19-001 Sample Question 6

An ArcGlS user receives parcel data from the regional government, which is supposed to line up with parcels in the data maintained by the local government. The user is tasked with reconciling the discrepancies between the local and regional data.

In which situation are the parcel boundaries within the local data more likely to be accurate than the regional data?


A. when local records show a parcel subdivided in 2007 but regional records do not include the update
B. when regional records show a new survey of a parcel in 1996. but local records do not include the survey information
C. when a privately owned parcel is donated to the local government in 2002 for a park but the regional government does not have a record of the new owner
D. when a new subdivision surveyed in 2004 within the regional area is incorporated into the local area limits in 2007

Answer: B

Esri EADP19-001 Sample Question 7

A Microstation.dgn file is created for a mountainous area and is added to ArcMap with another vector dataset in the same projection. The .dgn file appears slightly too large in relation to the other data.

What is the most likely source of the problem?


A. Units of measure were incorrect
B. The file was created in ground coordinates
C. incorrect datum was assigned in the projection file
D. The file was created in grid coordinates

Answer: D

Esri EADP19-001 Sample Question 8

When rematching geocoding results, a user notices that E St Is being interpreted as East St. How snould a user resolve this Issue for future geocoding?


A. remove the entry defining E to mean east In the geocoding XML files
B. recreate the address locator with new reference data
C. create a composite address locator where E is not recognized as east
D. change E to east in the input table to be geocoded before geocoding

Answer: D

Esri EADP19-001 Sample Question 9

An ArcGIS user is tasked with creating a map of the state of Utah displaying all the rivers for a conservation group. The conservation group is only interested in seeing rivers longer than 15 miles, where the longer rivers appear thicker using graduated symbols.

What are two ways the ArcGIS user can eliminate rivers less than 5 miles in length from appearing in the map? (Choose two)


A. Build a label expression
B. Built a data exclusion expression
C. Build a definition query
D. Build a layer expression

Answer: B, E

Esri EADP19-001 Sample Question 10

In a disconnected environment a data receiver fails to send acknowledgement messages often enough. How will the data sender respond?


A. Resends change messages
B. sends the next change messages
C. Slops sending change messages
D. Discards the change messages

Answer: B

Esri EADP19-001 Sample Question 11

Q35) When converting a raster dataset to a polygon feature class, which parameter choice would result in polygon boundaries that most obviously reflect the cell shape of the raster input data source?


A. Simplify polygons checked
B. Simplify polygons unchecked
C. pyramid resampling technique set to cubic
D. tile size block set to 128

Answer: C

Esri EADP19-001 Sample Question 12

An ArcGIS user creates a map showing the level of human Impact on the natural landscape. Major habitat types are shown with unique colors, and the level of disturbance for each habitat Is shown with a graduated symbol.

What is this type of map symbology?


A. Multisymbol
B. multivariate
C. unique value many fields
D. proportional symbol

Answer: C

Esri EADP19-001 Sample Question 13

An ArcGlS user receives parcel data from the regional government, which is supposed to line up with parcels in the data maintained by the local government. The user is tasked with reconciling the discrepancies between the local and regional data.

In which situation are the parcel boundaries within the local data more likely to be accurate than the regional data?


A. when local records show a parcel subdivided in 2007 but regional records do not include the update
B. when regional records show a new survey of a parcel in 1996. but local records do not include the survey information
C. when a privately owned parcel is donated to the local government in 2002 for a park but the regional government does not have a record of the new owner
D. when a new subdivision surveyed in 2004 within the regional area is incorporated into the local area limits in 2007

Answer: B

Esri EADP19-001 Sample Question 14

A Microstation.dgn file is created for a mountainous area and is added to ArcMap with another vector dataset in the same projection. The .dgn file appears slightly too large in relation to the other data.

What is the most likely source of the problem?


A. Units of measure were incorrect
B. The file was created in ground coordinates
C. incorrect datum was assigned in the projection file
D. The file was created in grid coordinates

Answer: D

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