Google Professional-Cloud-DevOps-Engineer Dumps - Google Cloud Certified - Professional Cloud DevOps Engineer Exam PDF Sample Questions

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Google Cloud Certified - Professional Cloud DevOps Engineer Exam
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Realexamdumps Providing most updated Cloud DevOps Engineer Question Answers. Here are a few exams:

Sample Questions

Realexamdumps Providing most updated Cloud DevOps Engineer Question Answers. Here are a few sample questions:

Google Professional-Cloud-DevOps-Engineer Sample Question 1

You are working with a government agency that requires you to archive application logs for seven years. You need to configure Stackdriver to export and store the logs while minimizing costs of storage. What should you do?


A. Create a Cloud Storage bucket and develop your application to send logs directly to the bucket.
B. Develop an App Engine application that pulls the logs from Stackdriver and saves them in BigQuery.
C. Create an export in Stackdriver and configure Cloud Pub/Sub to store logs in permanent storage for seven years.
D. Create a sink in Stackdriver, name it, create a bucket on Cloud Storage for storing archived logs, and then select the bucket as the log export destination.

Answer: E

Google Professional-Cloud-DevOps-Engineer Sample Question 2

You are deploying an application that needs to access sensitive information. You need to ensure that this information is encrypted and the risk of exposure is minimal if a breach occurs. What should you do?


A. Store the encryption keys in Cloud Key Management Service (KMS) and rotate the keys frequently
B. Inject the secret at the time of instance creation via an encrypted configuration management system.
C. Integrate the application with a Single sign-on (SSO) system and do not expose secrets to the application
D. Leverage a continuous build pipeline that produces multiple versions of the secret for each instance of the application.

Answer: B

Google Professional-Cloud-DevOps-Engineer Sample Question 3

You encountered a major service outage that affected all users of the service for multiple hours. After several hours of incident management, the service returned to normal, and user access was restored. You need to provide an incident summary to relevant stakeholders following the Site Reliability Engineering recommended practices. What should you do first?


A. Call individual stakeholders lo explain what happened.
B. Develop a post-mortem to be distributed to stakeholders.
C. Send the Incident State Document to all the stakeholders.
D. Require the engineer responsible to write an apology email to all stakeholders.

Answer: C

Google Professional-Cloud-DevOps-Engineer Sample Question 4

Your company follows Site Reliability Engineering practices. You are the person in charge of Communications for a large, ongoing incident affecting your customer-facing applications. There is still no estimated time for a resolution of the outage. You are receiving emails from internal stakeholders who want updates on the outage, as well as emails from customers who want to know what is happening. You want to efficiently provide updates to everyone affected by the outage. What should you do?


A. Focus on responding to internal stakeholders at least every 30 minutes. Commit to "next update" times.
B. Provide periodic updates to all stakeholders in a timely manner. Commit to a "next update" time in all communications.
C. Delegate the responding to internal stakeholder emails to another member of the Incident Response Team. Focus on providing responses directly to customers.
D. Provide all internal stakeholder emails to the Incident Commander, and allow them to manage internal communications. Focus on providing responses directly to customers.

Answer: B Explanation: Explanation: When disaster strikes, the person who declares the incident typically steps into the IC role and directs the high-level state of the incident. The IC concentrates on the 3Cs and does the following: Commands and coordinates the incident response, delegating roles as needed. By default, the IC assumes all roles that have not been delegated yet. Communicates effectively. Stays in control of the incident response. Works with other responders to resolve the incident.

Google Professional-Cloud-DevOps-Engineer Sample Question 5

Your application images are built and pushed to Google Container Registry (GCR). You want to build an automated pipeline that deploys the application when the image is updated while minimizing the development effort. What should you do?


A. Use Cloud Build to trigger a Spinnaker pipeline.
B. Use Cloud Pub/Sub to trigger a Spinnaker pipeline.
C. Use a custom builder in Cloud Build to trigger a Jenkins pipeline.
D. Use Cloud Pub/Sub to trigger a custom deployment service running in Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE).

Answer: B Explanation: Explanation:

Google Professional-Cloud-DevOps-Engineer Sample Question 6

You support a large service with a well-defined Service Level Objective (SLO). The development team deploys new releases of the service multiple times a week. If a major incident causes the service to miss its SLO, you want the development team to shift its focus from working on features to improving service reliability. What should you do before a major incident occurs?


A. Develop an appropriate error budget policy in cooperation with all service stakeholders.
B. Negotiate with the product team to always prioritize service reliability over releasing new features.
C. Negotiate with the development team to reduce the release frequency to no more than once a week.
D. Add a plugin to your Jenkins pipeline that prevents new releases whenever your service is out of SLO.

Answer: C

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