HP HPE2-N68 Dumps - Using HPE Containers PDF Sample Questions

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Realexamdumps Providing most updated HPE Product Certified - Containers [2021] Question Answers. Here are a few sample questions:

HP HPE2-N68 Sample Question 1

You want to create a custom dashboard with monitoring information collected by HPE Ezmerat Container Platform. What step should you complete first?


A. Exec Into the epic-monitoring pod on the controller and enable Kibana.
B. Exec into the epic-nagios pod on the controller and start the Nagios service.
C. Access each host managed by the platform and export logs in the "var/log/bluedata" directory.
D. Create a user account and assign that account the "monitoring" role.

Answer: C

HP HPE2-N68 Sample Question 2

What ate the network requirements for the HPE Ezmeral Container Platform controller and gateway?


A. The controller and gateway must be on the same routable network as the Kubernetes or EPIC hosts.
B. The controller and gateway must be on routable networks, but do not have to be on the same network as each other or other hosts.
C. The controller and gateway must be on the same routable network as each other, but not necessarily other hosts.
D. The controller and gateway must be on the same non-routable private network as each other and all other hosts.

Answer: E

HP HPE2-N68 Sample Question 3

What is an advantage of HPE Ezmerai Container Platform as compared to engineered Kubernetes distributions such as Red Hat OpenShift?


A. It keeps better pace with the latest Kubernetes versions and provides a flexible choice in which versions each cluster runs.
B. It enables customers to run containerized workloads on-prem while most engineered Kubernetes solutions are cloud only.
C. It is designed to run stateless and stateful apps while most engineered Kubernetes solutions are optimized for stateful apps only.
D. It provides a lower TCby using an upfront payment model as opposed to software subscriptions.

Answer: B

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