Huawei H12-722 Dumps - Huawei Certified ICT Professional - Constructing Service Security Network (HCIP-Security-CSSN V3.0) PDF Sample Questions

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Huawei Certified ICT Professional - Constructing Service Security Network (HCIP-Security-CSSN V3.0)
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Realexamdumps Providing most updated HCIP-Security Question Answers. Here are a few exams:

Sample Questions

Realexamdumps Providing most updated HCIP-Security Question Answers. Here are a few sample questions:

Huawei H12-722 Sample Question 1

When a virus is detected in an email, which of the following is not the corresponding action for detection?


A. Warning
B. Block
C. Declare
D. Delete attachments

Answer: C

Huawei H12-722 Sample Question 2

Under the CLI command, which of the following commands can be used to view the AV engine and virus database version?


A. display version av-sdb
B. display utm av version
C. display av utm version
D. display utm version

Answer: B

Huawei H12-722 Sample Question 3

The virus signature database on the device needs to be continuously upgraded from the security center platform. Which of the following is the website of the security center platform?


A. sec. huawei. com.
B. support.huaver: com
C. www. huawei. com
D. security.. huawei. com

Answer: B

Huawei H12-722 Sample Question 4

Which of the following options is correct for the sequence of the flow-by-stream detection of AntiDDoS?

1. The Netflow analysis device samples the current network flow;

2. Send a drainage command to the cleaning center;

3. Discover the DDoS attack stream;

4.Netior: analysis equipment sends alarms to ATIC management center

5. The abnormal flow is diverted to the cleaning center for further inspection and cleaning;

6. The cleaning center sends the host route of the attacked target IF address server to the router to achieve drainage

7. The cleaning log is sent to the management center to generate a report;

8. The cleaned traffic is sent to the original destination server.


A. 1-3-4-2-5-6-7-8
B. 1-3-2-4-6-5-7-8
C. 1-3-4-2-6-5-8-7
D. 1-3-24-6-5-8-7

Answer: D

Huawei H12-722 Sample Question 5

UDP is a connectionless protocol. UDP Flood attacks that change sources and ports will cause performance degradation of network devices that rely on session forwarding.

Even the session table is exhausted, causing the network to be paralyzed. Which of the following options is not a preventive measure for UDP Flood attacks?


A. UDP fingerprint learning
B. Associated defense
C. current limit
D. First packet discarded

Answer: E

Huawei H12-722 Sample Question 6

When the device recognizes a keyword during content filtering detection, which response actions can the device perform? (multiple choice)


A. Warning
B. Block
C. Declare
D. Operate by weight

Answer: A, B, E

Huawei H12-722 Sample Question 7

Based on the anti-virus gateway of streaming scan, which of the following descriptions is wrong?


A. Rely on state detection technology and protocol analysis technology
B. The performance is higher than the agent-based method
C. The cost is smaller than the agent-based approach
D. The detection rate is higher than the proxy-based scanning method

Answer: E

Huawei H12-722 Sample Question 8

In the security protection system of the cloud era, reforms need to be carried out in the three stages before, during and after the event, and a closed-loop continuous improvement should be formed.

And development. Which of the following key points should be done in "things"? (multiple choice)


A. Vulnerability intelligence
B. Defense in Depth
C. Offensive and defensive situation
D. Fight back against hackers155955cc-666171a2-20fac832-0c042c045

Answer: B, E

Huawei H12-722 Sample Question 9

In the Huawei USG6000 product, after creating or modifying the security configuration file, the configuration content will not take effect immediately: you need to click the "Prompt" in the upper right corner of the interface.

"Hand in" to activate.


A. True
B. False

Answer: B

Huawei H12-722 Sample Question 10

Information security is the protection of information and information systems to prevent unauthorized access, use, leakage, interruption, modification, damage, and to improve

For confidentiality, integrity and availability. ,


A. True
B. False

Answer: B

Huawei H12-722 Sample Question 11

Regarding HTTP behavior, which of the following statements is wrong?


A. HTTP POST is generally used to send information to the server through a web page, such as forum posting x form submission, username I password login.
B. When the file upload operation is allowed, the alarm threshold and blocking threshold can be configured to control the size of the uploaded file.
C. When the size of the uploaded or downloaded file and the size of the content of the POST operation reach the alarm threshold, the system will generate log information to prompt the device managementAnd block behavior.
D. When the uploaded or downloaded file size, POST operation content size reaches the blocking threshold, the system will only block the uploaded or downloaded file, POSToperate.

Answer: E

Huawei H12-722 Sample Question 12

Which of the following features does Huawei NIP intrusion prevention equipment support? (multiple choice)


A. Virtual patch
B. Mail detection
C. SSL traffic detection
D. Application identification and control

Answer: A, C, E

Huawei H12-722 Sample Question 13

For the basic mode of HTTP Flood source authentication, which of the following options are correct? (multiple choice)


A. The basic mode can effectively block the access from the Feng Explor client.
B. The bot tool does not implement a complete HTTP protocol stack and does not support automatic redirection, so the basic mode can effectively defend against HTTP Flood attacks.hit.
C. When there is an HTTP proxy server in the network, the firewall will add the IP address of the proxy server to the whitelist, but it will recognize the basic source of the zombie host.The certificate is still valid.
D. The basic mode will not affect the user experience, so the defense effect is higher than the enhanced mode.

Answer: A, C

Huawei H12-722 Sample Question 14

Regarding intrusion detection I defense equipment, which of the following statements are correct? (multiple choice)


A. It cannot effectively prevent the virus from spreading from the Internet to the intranet.
B. The number of applications that NIP6000 can recognize reaches 6000+, which realizes refined application protection, saves export bandwidth, and guarantees key business servicesExperience.
C. Protect the intranet from external attacks, and inhibit malicious flows, such as spyware, worms, etc. from flooding and spreading to the intranet.
D. Ability to quickly adapt to threat changes

Answer: B, C, E

Huawei H12-722 Sample Question 15

Regarding the sequence of the mail transmission process, which of the following is correct?

1. The sender PC sends the mail to the designated SMTP Server.

2. The sender SMTP Server encapsulates the mail information in an SMTP message and sends it to the receiver SMTP Server according to the destination address of the mail

3. The sender SMTP Server encapsulates the mail information in an SMTP message according to the destination address of the mail and sends it to the receiver POP3/MAP Senver

4. The recipient sends an email.


A. 1->2->3
B. 1->2->4,
C. 1->3->2
D. 1->4->3

Answer: C

Huawei H12-722 Sample Question 16

An enterprise administrator configures a Web reputation website in the form of a domain name, and configures the domain name as www. abc; example. com. .

Which of the following is the entry that the firewall will match when looking up the website URL?


A. example
B. www. abc. example. com
C. example
D. example. com

Answer: B

Huawei H12-722 Sample Question 17

Which of the following threats cannot be detected by IPS?


A. Virus
B. Worms
C. Spam
D. DoS

Answer: D

Huawei H12-722 Sample Question 18

Which of the following options is not a feature of big data technology?


A. The data boy is huge
B. A wide variety of data
C. Low value density
D. Slow processing speed

Answer: E

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