Isaca CCAK Dumps - Certificate of Cloud Auditing Knowledge PDF Sample Questions

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Certificate of Cloud Auditing Knowledge
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CCAK Complete Exam Detail

Detail Information
Total Time 3 hours
Exam Fee $595 for ISACA members, $795 for non-members
Passing Marks Minimum passing score is 450 out of 800
Available Languages English, Spanish, Portuguese, Chinese, Japanese, French, German
Additional Details The CCAK exam consists of 100 multiple-choice questions covering various cloud auditing topics.


Domain Percentage
Cloud Computing Concepts and Architecture 20%
Cloud Security and Risk 25%
Cloud Governance 20%
Compliance and Legal 15%
Cloud Assurance and Controls 20%

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Realexamdumps Providing most updated Cloud Security Alliance Question Answers. Here are a few exams:

Sample Questions

Realexamdumps Providing most updated Cloud Security Alliance Question Answers. Here are a few sample questions:

Isaca CCAK Sample Question 1

Which of the following would be the MOST critical finding of an application security and DevOps audit?


A. The organization is not using a unified framework to integrate cloud compliance with regulatory requirements.
B. Application architecture and configurations did not consider security measures.
C. Outsourced cloud service interruption, breach or loss of data stored at the cloud service provider.
D. Certifications with global security standards specific to cloud are not reviewed and the impact of noted findings are not assessed.

Answer: C

Isaca CCAK Sample Question 2

An organization that is utilizing a community cloud is contracting an auditor to conduct a review on behalf of the group of organizations within the cloud community. From the following, to whom should the auditor report the findings?


A. Public
B. Management of organization being audited
C. Shareholders/interested parties
D. Cloud service provider

Answer: E

Isaca CCAK Sample Question 3

To ensure that cloud audit resources deliver the best value to the organization, the PRIMARY step would be to:


A. develop a cloud audit plan on the basis of a detailed risk assessment.
B. schedule the audits and monitor the time spent on each audit.
C. train the cloud audit staff on current technology used in the organization.
D. monitor progress of audits and initiate cost control measures.

Answer: A Explanation: Explanation: It delivers value to the organization are the resources and efforts being dedicated to, and focused on, the higher-risk areas.

Isaca CCAK Sample Question 4

While performing the audit, the auditor found that an object storage bucket containing PII could be accessed by anyone on the Internet. Given this discovery, what should be the most appropriate action for the auditor to perform?


A. Highlighting the gap to the audit sponsor at the sponsor’s earliest possible availability
B. Asking the organization’s cloud administrator to immediately close the gap by updating the configuration settings and making the object storage bucket private and hence inaccessible from the Internet
C. Documenting the finding in the audit report and sharing the gap with the relevant stakeholders
D. Informing the organization’s internal audit manager immediately about the gap

Answer: C Explanation: Reference: [Reference:, ]

Isaca CCAK Sample Question 5

A certification target helps in the formation of a continuous certification framework by incorporating:


A. CSA STAR level 2 attestation.
B. service level objective and service qualitative objective.
C. frequency of evaluating security attributes.
D. scope description and security attributes to be tested.

Answer: C

Isaca CCAK Sample Question 6

The Cloud Computing Compliance Controls Catalogue (C5) framework is maintained by which of the following agencies?


A. Agence nationale de la sécurité des systèmes d’information (ANSSI)
B. National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)
C. National Security Agency (NSA)
D. Bundesamt für Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik (BSI)

Answer: D Explanation: Reference: [Reference:, ]

Isaca CCAK Sample Question 7

Which of the following data destruction methods is the MOST effective and efficient?


A. Crypto-shredding
B. Degaussing
C. Multi-pass wipes
D. Physical destruction

Answer: C

Isaca CCAK Sample Question 8

The Cloud Octagon Model was developed to support organizations:


A. risk assessment methodology.
B. risk treatment methodology.
C. incident response methodology.
D. incident detection methodology.

Answer: B

Isaca CCAK Sample Question 9

How should controls be designed by an organization?


A. By the internal audit team
B. Using the ISO27001 framework
C. By the cloud provider
D. Using the organization’s risk management framework

Answer: A Explanation: Reference: [Reference:, ]

Isaca CCAK Sample Question 10

SAST testing is performed by:


A. scanning the application source code.
B. scanning the application interface.
C. scanning all infrastructure components.
D. performing manual actions to gain control of the application.

Answer: A Explanation: Explanation: SAST analyzes application code offline. SAST is generally a rules-based test that will scan software code for items such as credentials embedded into application code and a test of input validation, both of which are major concerns for application security.

Isaca CCAK Sample Question 11

Which of the following is a fundamental concept of FedRAMP that intends to save costs, time, and staff conducting superfluous agency security assessments?


A. Use often, provide many times
B. Be economical, act deliberately
C. Use existing, provide many times
D. Do once, use many times

Answer: D Explanation: Reference: [Reference: (2), ]

Isaca CCAK Sample Question 12

What is the advantage of using dynamic application security testing (DAST) over static application security testing (SAST) methodology?


A. Unlike SAST, DAST is a blackbox and programming language agnostic.
B. DAST can dynamically integrate with most CI/CD tools.
C. DAST delivers more false positives than SAST.
D. DAST is slower but thorough.

Answer: A Explanation: Reference: [Reference:, ]

Isaca CCAK Sample Question 13

As a developer building codes into a container in a DevSecOps environment, which of the following is the appropriate place(s) to perform security tests?


A. Within developer’s laptop
B. Within the CI/CD server
C. Within version repositories
D. Within the CI/CD pipeline

Answer: E

Isaca CCAK Sample Question 14

Customer management interface, if compromised over public internet, can lead to:


A. customer’s computing and data compromise.
B. access to the RAM of neighboring cloud computer.
C. ease of acquisition of cloud services.
D. incomplete wiping of the data.

Answer: B

Isaca CCAK Sample Question 15

What areas should be reviewed when auditing a public cloud?


A. Patching, source code reviews, hypervisor, access controls
B. Identity and access management, data protection
C. Patching, configuration, hypervisor, backups
D. Vulnerability management, cyber security reviews, patching

Answer: C

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