Isaca CGEIT Dumps - Certified in the Governance of Enterprise IT Exam PDF Sample Questions

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CGEIT Complete Exam Detail

Detail Information
Total Time 4 hours
Exam Fee $575 for ISACA members
$760 for non-members
Passing Marks 450 out of 800
Available Languages English
Exam Format 150 multiple-choice questions
Exam Domains
  1. Framework for the Governance of Enterprise IT (25%)
  2. Strategic Management (20%)
  3. Benefits Realization (16%)
  4. Risk Optimization (24%)
  5. Resource Optimization (15%)
Prerequisites Minimum of five years of professional experience in the management of IT resources, with at least three years of experience in IT governance


Domain Weight Topics
Domain 1: Framework for the Governance of Enterprise IT 25%
  • IT governance framework
  • Strategic alignment
  • Risk management
  • Resource optimization
  • Performance measurement
  • Value delivery
  • Cost optimization
Domain 2: Strategic Management 20%
  • Strategic planning
  • Enterprise architecture
  • Portfolio management
  • Business model
Domain 3: Benefits Realization 16%
  • Benefits management framework
  • Benefit realization
  • Business case development
  • Benefits and performance measurement
Domain 4: Risk Optimization 24%
  • IT risk management
  • Enterprise risk management
  • Risk appetite
  • Control objectives and practices
Domain 5: Resource Optimization 15%
  • Resource management
  • Resource optimization
  • Resource development

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Realexamdumps Providing most updated ISACA CGEIT Question Answers. Here are a few exams:

Sample Questions

Realexamdumps Providing most updated ISACA CGEIT Question Answers. Here are a few sample questions:

Isaca CGEIT Sample Question 1

Senior management wants to expand offshoring to include IT services as other types of business offshoring have already resulted in significant financial benefits for the enterprise. The CIO is currently midway through a successful five-year strategy that relies heavily on internal IT resources. What should the CIO do NEXT?


A. Reevaluate the offshoring strategy.
B. Abandon the current IT strategy.
C. Continue with the existing IT strategy.
D. Reevaluate the current IT strategy.

Answer: E

Isaca CGEIT Sample Question 2

Due to the recent introduction of personal data protection regulations, an enterprise is required to maintain its employee data in production systems only for a limited time. Which of the following is MOST important to review?


A. Asset retention policies
B. Information retention policies
C. Data archival policies
D. Data backup and restoration policies

Answer: D

Isaca CGEIT Sample Question 3

An airline wants to launch a new program involving the use of artificial intelligence (Al) and machine learning The mam objective of the program is to use customer behavior to determine new routes and markets Which of the following should be done NEXT?


A. Consult with the enterprise privacy function
B. Define the critical success factors (CSFs)
C. Present the proposal to the IT strategy committee
D. Perform a business impact analysis (BIA)

Answer: B

Isaca CGEIT Sample Question 4

Which of the following should be the PRIMARY governance objective for selecting key risk indicators (KRIs) related to legal and regulatory compliance?


A. Identifying the risk of noncompliance
B. Demonstrating sound risk management practices
C. Measuring IT alignment with enterprise risk management (ERM)
D. Ensuring the effectiveness of IT compliance controls

Answer: D

Isaca CGEIT Sample Question 5

An enterprise-wide strategic plan has been approved by the board of directors. Which of the following would BEST support the planning of IT investments required for the enterprise?


A. Service-oriented architecture
B. Enterprise architecture (EA)
C. Contingency planning
D. Enterprise balanced scorecard

Answer: C

Isaca CGEIT Sample Question 6

Before an IT strategy committee can approve an IT risk assessment framework, which of the following is MOST important to have established?


A. An enterprise risk mitigation strategy
B. Leading and lagging risk indicators
C. IT performance metrics and standards
D. Enterprise definitions for risk impact and probability

Answer: E

Isaca CGEIT Sample Question 7

A global enterprise is experiencing an economic downturn and is rapidly losing market share. IT senior management is reassessing the core activities of the business, including IT, and the associated resource implications. Management has decided to focus on its local market and to close international operations. A critical issue from a resource management perspective is to retain the most capable staff. This is BEST achieved by:


A. reviewing current goals-based performance appraisals across the enterprise.
B. ranking employees across the enterprise based on their compensation.
C. ranking employees across the enterprise based on length of service.
D. retaining capable staff exclusively from the local market.

Answer: E

Isaca CGEIT Sample Question 8

Individual business units within an enterprise have been designing their own IT solutions without consulting the IT department. From a governance perspective, what is the GREATEST issue associated with this situation?


A. Security controls may not meet IT requirements.
B. The enterprise does not have the skills to manage the solutions.
C. The solutions conflict with IT goals and objectives.
D. The solution may conflict with existing enterprise goals.

Answer: E

Isaca CGEIT Sample Question 9

Which of the following BEST lowers costs and improves scalability from an IT enterprise architecture (EA) perspective?


A. Cost management
B. IT strategic sourcing
C. Standardization
D. Business agility

Answer: D

Isaca CGEIT Sample Question 10

Which of the following roles should be responsible for data normalization when it is found that a new system includes duplicates of data items?


A. Business system owner
B. Data steward
C. Database administrator (DBA)
D. Application manager

Answer: D

Isaca CGEIT Sample Question 11

A large financial institution is considering outsourcing customer call center operations which will allow the chosen vendor to access systems from offshore locations. Which of the following represents the GREATEST risk?


A. Inconsistent customer service and reporting
B. Loss of data confidentiality
C. Lack of network availability
D. Inadequate business continuity planning

Answer: C

Isaca CGEIT Sample Question 12

An IT risk committee is trying to mitigate the risk associated with a newly implemented bring your own device (BYOD) policy and supporting mobile device management (MDM) tools. Which of the following would be the BEST way to ensure employees understand how to protect sensitive corporate data on their mobile devices?


A. Require staff to complete security awareness training
B. Develop security procedures for mobile devices.
C. Distribute the BYOD policy on the company Intranet.
D. Require staff to review and sign nondisclosure agreements (NDAs)

Answer: B

Isaca CGEIT Sample Question 13

Which of the following should be done FIRST when concerns have been identified regarding the financial viability of a potential software supplier?


A. Implement an escrow agreement
B. Perform a risk assessment
C. Include a right-to-audit clause in the contract
D. License the intellectual property

Answer: B

Isaca CGEIT Sample Question 14

The MOST successful IT performance metrics are those that:


A. measure financial results.
B. measure all areas.
C. are approved by the stakeholders.
D. contain objective measures.

Answer: C

Isaca CGEIT Sample Question 15

The CEO of a large enterprise has announced me commencement of a major business expansion that will double the size of the organization. IT will need to support the expected demand expansion. What should the CIO do FIRST?


A. Review the resource utilisation matrix.
B. Recruit IT resources based on the expansion decision.
C. Embed IT personnel in the business units.
D. Update the IT strategic plan to align with the decision.

Answer: E

Isaca CGEIT Sample Question 16

The PRIMARY reason for an enterprise to adopt an IT governance framework is to:


A. assure IT sustains and extends the enterprise strategies and objectives.
B. expedite IT investments among other competing business investments.
C. establish IT initiatives focused on the business strategy.
D. allow IT to optimize confidentiality, integrity, and availability of information assets.

Answer: B

Isaca CGEIT Sample Question 17

Of the following, who is PRIMARILY responsible for applying frameworks for the governance of IT to balance the need for security controls with business requirements?


A. Data scientists
B. Data stewards
C. Data analysts
D. Data processors

Answer: C

Isaca CGEIT Sample Question 18

Which of the following would be the BEST long-term solution to address the concern regarding loss of expenenced staff?


A. implement knowledge management practices
B. Establish a mentoring program for IT staff
C. Determine key risk indicators (KRIs)
D. Retain key staff as consultants.

Answer: B

Isaca CGEIT Sample Question 19

The BEST way to decide how to prioritize issues identified in an IT risk and control self-assessment (CSA) is to understand the risk and:


A. impact to the enterprise.
B. criticality of IT services affected.
C. number of IT systems affected.
D. funds required for remediation.

Answer: B

Isaca CGEIT Sample Question 20

Which of the following is the PRIMARY element in sustaining an effective governance framework?


A. Identification of optimal business resources
B. Establishment of a performance metric system
C. Ranking of critical business risks
D. Assurance of the execution of business controls

Answer: C

Isaca CGEIT Sample Question 21

After shifting from lease to purchase of IT infrastructure and software licenses, an enterprise has to pay for unexpected lease extensions causing significant cost overruns. The BEST direction for the IT steering committee would be to establish;


A. an end-of-life program to remove aging infrastructure from the environment.
B. budget cuts to compensate for the cost overruns.
C. a program to annually review financial policy on overruns.
D. a policy to consider total cost of ownership (TCO) in investment decisions.

Answer: B

Isaca CGEIT Sample Question 22

The use of new technology in an enterprise will require specific expertise and updated system development processes. There is concern that IT is not properly sourced. Which of the following should be the FIRST course of action?


A. Perform a risk assessment on potential outsourcing.
B. Update the enterprise architecture (EA) with the new technology.
C. Review the IT balanced scorecard for sourcing opportunities.
D. Assess the gap between current and required staff competencies.

Answer: E

Isaca CGEIT Sample Question 23

An enterprise plans to expand into new markets in countries lacking data privacy regulations, increasing risk exposure. Which of the following is the BEST course of action for the CIO?


A. Identify business risk appetite and tolerance levels.
B. Quantify the risk impact and evaluate possible countermeasures.
C. Limit the personal data available to the high-risk countries.
D. Mandate the strengthening of user access controls.

Answer: B

Isaca CGEIT Sample Question 24

A large enterprise has decided to use an emerging technology that needs to be integrated with the current IT infrastructure. Which of the following is the BEST way to prevent adverse effects to the enterprise resulting from the new technology?


A. Develop key performance indicators (KPIs).
B. Update the risk appetite statement
C. Develop key risk indicators (KRIs).
D. Implement service level agreements (SLAs)

Answer: D

Isaca CGEIT Sample Question 25

Which of the following is the MOST important reason to include internal audit as a stakeholder when establishing clear roles for the governance of IT?


A. Internal audit has knowledge and technical expertise to advise on IT infrastructure.
B. Internal audit is accountable for the overall enterprise governance of IT.
C. Internal audit implements controls over IT risks and security.
D. Internal audit provides input on relevant issues and control processes.

Answer: E

Isaca CGEIT Sample Question 26

Which of the following has the GREATEST influence on data quality assurance?


A. Data stewardship
B. Data encryption
C. Data classification
D. Data modeling

Answer: E

Isaca CGEIT Sample Question 27

A newly established IT steering committee is concerned whether a system is meeting availability objectives. Which of the following will provide the BEST information to make an assessment?


A. Balanced scorecard
B. Capability maturity levels
C. Performance indicators
D. Critical success factors (CSFs)

Answer: C

Isaca CGEIT Sample Question 28

Which of the following is the MOST effective way to manage risks within the enterprise?


A. Assign individuals responsibilities and accountabilities for management of risks.
B. Make staff aware of the risks in their area and risk management techniques.
C. Provide financial resources for risk management systems.
D. Document procedures and reporting processes.

Answer: B

Isaca CGEIT Sample Question 29

Two large financial institutions with different corporate cultures are engaged in a merger. From a governance perspective, which of the following should be the GREATEST concern?


A. Technology infrastructure
B. Risk appetite
C. Combined cost of operations
D. Enterprise architecture (EA) integration

Answer: E

Isaca CGEIT Sample Question 30

When considering an IT change that would enable a potential new line of business, the FIRST strategic step for IT governance would be to ensure agreement among the stakeholders regarding:


A. objectives to achieve goals.
B. metrics to measure effectiveness
C. a vision for the future state,
D. a change response plan

Answer: D

Isaca CGEIT Sample Question 31

Which of the following provides the MOST comprehensive insight into the effectiveness of IT?


A. IT balanced scorecard
B. IT strategy
C. Return on investment (ROI)
D. Key risk indicators (KRIs)

Answer: B

Isaca CGEIT Sample Question 32

Which of the following should be the MOST important consideration for a hospital planning to use cloud services and mobile applications?


A. Privacy requirements
B. Data classification
C. Acceptable use policy
D. Internet connectivity

Answer: B

Isaca CGEIT Sample Question 33

An enterprise wants to reduce the complexity of its data assets while ensuring impact to the business is minimized during the transition. Which of the following should be done FIRST?


A. Remove applications that are not aligned with the information architecture.
B. Review the information classification and retention policies
C. Review the information architecture.
D. Assess current information ownership.

Answer: D

Isaca CGEIT Sample Question 34

A marketing enterprise is considering procuring customer information to more accurately target customer communications and increase sales. The data has a very high cost to the enterprise. Which of the following would provide the MOST comprehensive view into the potential value to the organization?


A. Investment services board review
B. Net present value {NPV) calculation
C. Risk assessment results
D. Cost-benefit analysis results

Answer: C

Isaca CGEIT Sample Question 35

During an IT strategy review, a new CIO determined that numerous important internal processes have not been updated for several years and should be reexamined. Which of the following would be the BEST approach to address this concern?


A. Implement a process review policy.
B. Assemble a project review team
C. Verify that the processes are still needed
D. Map the processes to a capability maturity model.

Answer: D

Isaca CGEIT Sample Question 36

Which of the following IT governance practices would BEST support IT and enterprise strategic alignment?


A. An IT communication plan is continuously updated
B. External consultants regularly review the IT portfolio
C. Senior management regularly reviews the IT portfolio
D. IT service level agreements (SLAs) are periodically updated

Answer: D

Isaca CGEIT Sample Question 37

An enterprise made a significant change to its business operating model that resulted in a new strategic direction. Which of the following should be reviewed FIRST to ensure IT congruence with the new business strategy?


A. IT risk appetite
B. Enterprise project management framework
C. IT investment portfolio
D. Information systems architecture

Answer: D

Isaca CGEIT Sample Question 38

Which of the following would BEST enable business innovation through IT?


A. Outsourcing of IT to a strategic business partner
B. Business participation in IT strategy development
C. Adoption of a standardized business development life cycle
D. IT participation in business strategy development

Answer: E

Isaca CGEIT Sample Question 39

IT maturity models measure:


A. performance.
B. value.
C. capabilities.
D. outcome.

Answer: D

Isaca CGEIT Sample Question 40

An enterprise has decided to implement an IT risk management program After establishing stakeholder desired outcomes, the MAIN goal of the IT strategy committee should be to:


A. identify business data that requires protection.
B. perform a risk analysis on key IT processes
C. implement controls to address high risk areas
D. ensure IT risk alignment with enterprise risk

Answer: E

Isaca CGEIT Sample Question 41

An enterprise is contracting with an outsourcing partner for a long-term engagement. The BEST time for the enterprise to plan for the event of contract termination is when:


A. planning for the contract as part of business continuity.
B. issues surface in the contractual relationship.
C. developing the initial contract.
D. either party decides to terminate the contract.

Answer: D

Isaca CGEIT Sample Question 42

Establishing a uniform definition for likelihood and impact through risk management standards PRIMARILY addresses which of the following concerns?


A. Inconsistent categories of vulnerabilities
B. Conflicting interpretations of risk levels
C. Inconsistent data classification
D. Lack of strategic IT alignment

Answer: C

Isaca CGEIT Sample Question 43

Which of the following should be the PRIMARY goal of implementing service level agreements (SLAs) with an outsourcing vendor?


A. Gaining a competitive advantage
B. Establishing penalties for not meeting service levels
C. Achieving operational objectives
D. Complying with regulatory requirements

Answer: D

Isaca CGEIT Sample Question 44

What is the BEST criterion for prioritizing IT risk remediation when resource requirements are equal?


A. Deviation from IT standards
B. IT strategy alignment
C. IT audit recommendations
D. Impact on business

Answer: E

Isaca CGEIT Sample Question 45

An enterprise has launched a series of critical new IT initiatives that are expected to produce substantial value Which of the following would BEST provide the board with an indication of progress of the IT initiatives?


A. Portfolio management review
B. Full life cycle cost-benefit analysis
C. Demonstration of prototype and user testing
D. Critical risk and issue walk-through

Answer: B

Isaca CGEIT Sample Question 46

Which of the following is the MOST effective approach to ensure senior management sponsorship of IT risk management?


A. Benchmark risk framework against best practices.
B. Calculate financial impact for each IT risk finding.
C. Periodically review the IT risk register entries.
D. Integrate IT risk into enterprise risk management (ERM).

Answer: D

Isaca CGEIT Sample Question 47

Best practice states that IT governance MUST:


A. enforce consistent policy across the enterprise.
B. be applied in the same manner throughout the enterprise.
C. apply consistent target levels of maturity to processes.
D. be a component of enterprise governance.

Answer: E

Isaca CGEIT Sample Question 48

The PRIMARY objective of IT resource planning within an enterprise should be to:


A. determine risk associated with IT resources.
B. maximize value received from IT.
C. determine IT outsourcing options.
D. finalize service level agreements (SLAs) for IT

Answer: C

Isaca CGEIT Sample Question 49

The CIO in a large enterprise is seeking assurance that significant IT risk is being proactively monitored and does not exceed agreed risk tolerance levels. The BEST way to provide this ongoing assurance is to require the development of:


A. an IT risk appetite statement.
B. a risk management policy.
C. key risk indicators (KRIs).
D. a risk register.

Answer: D

Isaca CGEIT Sample Question 50

Reviewing which of the following should be the FIRST step when evaluating the possibility of outsourcing an IT system?


A. Outsourcing strategy
B. Outsourced business processes
C. Service level agreements (SLAs)
D. IT staff skill sets

Answer: B

Isaca CGEIT Sample Question 51

Which of the following should be the MOST important consideration when defining an information architecture?


A. Frequency and quantity of information updates
B. Information to justify business cases
C. Incorporation of emerging technologies
D. Access to and exchange of information

Answer: E

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