Nutanix NCP-MCA Dumps - Nutanix Certified Professional - Multicloud Automation (NCP-MCA v6.5) Exam PDF Sample Questions

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Nutanix Certified Professional - Multicloud Automation (NCP-MCA v6.5) Exam
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Last Update Date : 21 January, 2025
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Realexamdumps Providing most updated NCP-MCA 5 | Nutanix Certified Professional (NCP) Question Answers. Here are a few exams:

Sample Questions

Realexamdumps Providing most updated NCP-MCA 5 | Nutanix Certified Professional (NCP) Question Answers. Here are a few sample questions:

Nutanix NCP-MCA Sample Question 1

A company wants to ensure that all developers are able to request new development environments on demand by using ServiceNow.

The administrator notices that even though developers create new environments, they rarely remove these environments when moving on to new assignments. Today, the administrator has gone into Prism Central to check when the VM was created, in order to reach out to the developer and ask if it can be deleted. The administrator has accidentally deleted the wrong VM in the past.

Which two methods can the administrator use to automate this task to avoid deleting the incorrect VMs? (Choose two.)


A. Create a playbook REST API action to delete the VM from a ServiceNow approval flow.
B. Create a playbook webhook action to delete the VM from a ServiceNow approval flow.
C. Create a playbook webhook trigger to delete the VM from a ServiceNow approval flow.
D. Create a playbook REST API trigger to delete the VM from a ServiceNow approval flow.

Answer: A, C Explanation: Reference: [Reference:, ]

Nutanix NCP-MCA Sample Question 2

A blueprint service needs to use scaling. The requirements are:

Windows 2019 VM (12 vCPU, 24 GB memory, 500 GB volume)

Minimum VMs needed at any time and at time of deployment is 2 VMs

VMs should not exceed the project quota of 100 vCPUs or 300 GB of memory

There are no other services in use within the project

Which scaling VM replica settings meet all requirements?


A. MIN: 2, MAX: 11, Default: 2
B. MIN: 2, MAX: 7, Default: 2
C. MIN: 2, MAX: 10, Default: 1
D. MIN: 2, MAX: 8, Default: 1

Answer: E

Nutanix NCP-MCA Sample Question 3

Which two providers are supported in Calm? (Choose two.)


A. Oracle Cloud
B. Kubernetes
D. IBM Cloud

Answer: B, C Explanation: Reference: [Reference:, ]

Nutanix NCP-MCA Sample Question 4

What is the correct method to upgrade Calm?


A. Calm Marketplace
B. LCM via Prism Element
C. LCM via Prism Central
D. Calm Dashboard

Answer: C Explanation: Reference: [Reference:, ]

Nutanix NCP-MCA Sample Question 5

An end user for an application that has been assigned the Consumer role within the project has noticed multiple issues with a blueprint that need to be addressed. The decision has been made to bring the end user onto the team to be able to modify the blueprints for this project.

Using the concept of least privilege, what role should the end user be assigned?


A. Developer
B. Project Admin
C. Consumer
D. Operator

Answer: D

Nutanix NCP-MCA Sample Question 6

An administrator wants to be alerted when production VMs become idle. The VMs will be determined to be idle when CPU usage is lower than 5% for more than 5 minutes. All affected VMs are categorized as Environment:Production, since they have Flow microsegmentation rules.

What should the administrator do to satisfy this requirement?


A. Create an alert for all VMs, create a Playbook with this alert as the trigger and send an email as the action.
B. Create an alert for VMs in the correct category, create a Playbook with this alert as the trigger > take a snapshot > send an email as the action.
C. Create an alert for all VMs, create a Playbook with this alert as the trigger > reduce 1 CPU > send an email as the action.
D. Create an alert for VMs in the correct category, create a Playbook with this alert as the trigger and send an email as the action.

Answer: A Explanation: Reference: [Reference:, ]

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