UiPath UiPath-ARDv1 Dumps - UiPath Advanced RPA Developer v1.0 Exam (UiARD) PDF Sample Questions

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Realexamdumps Providing most updated UiPath Certified Professional - Developer Track Question Answers. Here are a few exams:

Sample Questions

Realexamdumps Providing most updated UiPath Certified Professional - Developer Track Question Answers. Here are a few sample questions:

UiPath UiPath-ARDv1 Sample Question 1

When debugging a process, you run in Debug mode and are paused at a breakpoint.

To quickly execute the activity with the breakpoint and proceed with the execution, which button should be clicked on the Execute tab of Studio?


A. Step Into
B. Break
C. Step Over
D. Continue

Answer: D Explanation: Reference: [Reference: https://docs.uipath.com/studio/v2019-fastTrack/docs/about-debugging, ]

UiPath UiPath-ARDv1 Sample Question 2

What is the difference between a Click activity whose SimulateClick property is checked and another one with the same property unchecked?

Options are :


A. The activity with an enabled SimulateClick flag does not click the target element, it just simulates the action.
B. The activity with the SimulateClick flag unchecked moves the mouse cursor over the target element, while the one with the flag set does not move the mouse cursor.
C. There is no difference - both can be used in same scenarios.

Answer: C

UiPath UiPath-ARDv1 Sample Question 3

Which one of the statements below regarding the GetAppCredentials workflow included in UiPath Robotic Enterprise Framework is true?

Options are :


A. It first requests the credential from user.
B. It first tries to fetch a credential from Orchestrator.
C. It first tries to fetch a credential from the Windows Credential Manager.

Answer: C

UiPath UiPath-ARDv1 Sample Question 4

What type of Output variable do all Get Mail activities return? (POP3, IMAP, Outlook, Exchange)

Options are :


A. List
B. List
C. MailMessage

Answer: C

UiPath UiPath-ARDv1 Sample Question 5

What is the slowest method of reading text?

Options are :


B. Native
C. Full Text

Answer: B

UiPath UiPath-ARDv1 Sample Question 6

What type of assets can be stored in Orchestrator?

Options are :


A. Array, Datatable, Bool, String
B. Bool, String, Integer, Credential
C. Integer, Passowrd, GenericValue, String

Answer: C

UiPath UiPath-ARDv1 Sample Question 7

A developer needs to create an automation process that identifies a file with format "Monthly_Report_MMddyyyy.xlsx". The file name is saved to a variable called strinput.

To extract the date from strinput, which string manipulation method should be used?


A. strinput.Substring(strInput.LastIndexOf("_")+1,8)
B. strinput.Substring(strInput.IndexOf("_")+1,strInput.IndexOf(".")−1)
C. strinput.Substring(strInput.IndexOf("_")+1.8)
D. strinput.Substring(strInput.IndexOf("_")+1,strInput.IndexOf("."))

Answer: D

UiPath UiPath-ARDv1 Sample Question 8

You are developing a .xaml file to interact with multiple fields of a web page. You want to Auto Empty the fields that require input.

Which input method(s) will automatically empty the target input fields?


A. "SendWindowMessages" only
B. "Default" and "SimulateType"
C. "SimulateType" only
D. "SimulateType" and "SendWindowMessages"

Answer: D Explanation: Reference: [Reference: https://tutorials4sharepoint.wordpress.com/category/rpa/uipath/, ]

UiPath UiPath-ARDv1 Sample Question 9

A developer wants to design a process in which multiple decision points will be used to accommodate complex scenarios.

In UiPath Studio, which recommended type of workflow meets this requirement?


A. State Machine
B. Sequence
C. Global Exception Handler
D. Flowchart

Answer: D Explanation: Reference: [Reference: https://docs.uipath.com/studio/docs/workflow-design, ]

UiPath UiPath-ARDv1 Sample Question 10

How can you improve a selector?

Options are :


A. By using intermediate containers for a better matching of the UI element.
B. By adding the absolute position of the elements to the selector.
C. By replacing the dynamic parts of an attribute with wildcards.

Answer: A, D

UiPath UiPath-ARDv1 Sample Question 11

What status does a job have when a schedule is triggered in Orchestrator, but there are no available robots to execute it?

Options are :


A. In progress
B. Pending
C. New

Answer: C

UiPath UiPath-ARDv1 Sample Question 12

How does the Anchor Base activity work?

Options are :


A. It searches for an UiElement at a fixed anchor position.
B. It searches for an UiElement using a relative coordinate position.
C. It searches for an UiElement by using another UiElement as anchor.

Answer: D

UiPath UiPath-ARDv1 Sample Question 13

Which statements are true regarding the Write Line and the Log Message activities?

Options are :


A. By using any of them, you generate traces in the Output panel and also in the log files.
B. By using a Log Message activity, you can set different levels of tracing.
C. Write Line is just a Log Message set on Trace.

Answer: A, B, D

UiPath UiPath-ARDv1 Sample Question 14

When is it recommended to use Desktop recording?

Options are :


A. When you automate Citrix Applications
B. When you automate more steps in the same window
C. When you automate one step
D. When you automate Web pages

Answer: C

UiPath UiPath-ARDv1 Sample Question 15

Which of the following SQL statements can be executed by using the activity called Execute Non Query?

Options are :


A. Insert
B. Update
C. Select
D. Delete

Answer: A, B, E

UiPath UiPath-ARDv1 Sample Question 16

Where can you trigger an unattended robot from? Select all the options that apply.

Options are :


A. The UiPath Robot icon in the system tray
B. UiPath Studio
C. Remotely, from Orchestrator

Answer: A, D

UiPath UiPath-ARDv1 Sample Question 17

Which of the following statements is true regarding Lists and Arrays?

Options are :


A. You can add any number of elements to an array.
B. You can iterate through a List using a For Each loop activity.
C. List items can be added using an Add to Collection activity.
D. Array and List elements can be accessed by index.

Answer: B, D

UiPath UiPath-ARDv1 Sample Question 18

How can you delay the Automatic Recording?

Options are :


A. By hitting the Escape key
B. By right clicking
C. Not possible
D. By hitting the F2 key

Answer: E

UiPath UiPath-ARDv1 Sample Question 19

Is it possible to write to a text file without using the Write Text File activity?

Options are :


A. No
B. Yes, using the Invoke Method activity
C. Yes, with the Invoke Power Shell activity

Answer: B, D

UiPath UiPath-ARDv1 Sample Question 20

How should exceptions be handled? Select all the options that apply.

Options are :


A. By using Try Catch activities inside the workflow for unexpected application exceptions.
B. UiPath handles exceptions by default.
C. By validating data using conditional blocks for business exceptions.

Answer: A, D

UiPath UiPath-ARDv1 Sample Question 21

During the development of a process, a certain label text must be retrieved. After retrieving the text, a button must be clicked and the following occurs:

1.The loading of the label text element takes longer than 30 seconds.

2.The loading of the button takes longer than 30 seconds.

3.The retrieving of the data or clicking the button must be tried until successful.

Based on UiPath best practices, what must the developer use to ensure that an error is thrown if the label text or the button element does not load?


A. Use the Get Text activity with the default timeout and set the ContinueOnError property to "True". Use the Click activity in the Retry Scope activity.
B. Use the Get Text activity with the default properties in a Retry Scope activity. Use the Click activity with the default properties in a Retry Scope activity.
C. Modify the Get Text activity by increasing the timeout property. Use the Click activity to click the button with the default settings.
D. Use the Get Text activity with the default timeout and set the WaitForReady property to "None" in a Retry Scope activity.Modify the Click activity by increasing the timeout property and set the ContinueOnError property to "True".

Answer: B

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