Alibaba ACA-Cloud1 Dumps - ACA Cloud Computing Associate PDF Sample Questions

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Realexamdumps Providing most updated Alibaba Cloud Computing Question Answers. Here are a few exams:

Sample Questions

Realexamdumps Providing most updated Alibaba Cloud Computing Question Answers. Here are a few sample questions:

Alibaba ACA-Cloud1 Sample Question 1

Cloud disks are reliable because they use_________to provide block-level data storage for ECS instances, ensuring 99.9999999% data reliability.


A. a distributed file management system with 3 redundant copies
B. a file system
C. a double copy distributed system
D. a Linux file system

Answer: A Explanation: Explanation: An ECS disk can be used jointly or separately to meet the requirements of different application scenarios. ECS disks are categorized into ephemeral SSD disks and cloud disks. Compared with ephemeral SSD disks, cloud disks are more reliable as they use a triplicate distributed system to provide block-level data storage for ECS instances, ensuring 99.9999999% data reliability.Reference: [Reference: 24.pdf, ]

Alibaba ACA-Cloud1 Sample Question 2

RDS for MySQL is a PaaS, which means after creating the RDS instance, the user does not need to take care of the underlying OS, runtime environment of software packages. These would be taken care of by Alibaba Cloud.



Answer: C

Alibaba ACA-Cloud1 Sample Question 3

You built an online shop using Alibaba Cloud services (ECS, RDS, …etc.) and very soon you’ll have a campaign that every customer that invites 3 friends will get a 50% off coupon. To avoid HTTP flood attacks and ensure only genuine customers (not bots) joining the event, which security product should you choose?


A. Anti-DDoS Basic
B. Anti-DDoS pro
D. Server Guard

Answer: C Explanation: Explanation: After adding your website to the WAF protection list, you can enable HTTP Flood protection and select an appropriate protection mode for the websiteReference: [Reference:, ]

Alibaba ACA-Cloud1 Sample Question 4

Which of the following statements to OSS bucket is not correct?


A. Every user can create more than one bucket
B. Bucket name can be changed after creation
C. Every bucket should have a unique name
D. There is no limitation to objects number inside one bucket

Answer: B Explanation: Reference: [Reference: spm=a2c63.p38356.a3.3.43f03bb9a3KjLl, ]

Alibaba ACA-Cloud1 Sample Question 5

Alibaba Cloud provides anti-DDoS products of different levels. If the service availability needs to be kept at 99.9% or higher under DDoS attacks, which of the following is the MOST suitable product?


A. Anti-DDoS Service Basic
B. Managed Security Service
C. Situation Awareness
D. Anti-DDoS Service Pro

Answer: A Explanation: Reference: [Reference:, ]

Alibaba ACA-Cloud1 Sample Question 6

Alibaba Cloud CDN can directly accelerate the access to the files stored in OSS and reduce OSS traffic costs.



Answer: B

Alibaba ACA-Cloud1 Sample Question 7

A company wants to migrate its system to public cloud platform and they choose Alibaba Cloud. The migration process is very important and they want to ensure that everything works right. Which of the following services can the company choose?


A. Event Management Service
B. Aftersales Support
C. Alibaba Cloud Architecture Design Training
D. Alibaba Cloud Product Operation Training

Answer: D

Alibaba ACA-Cloud1 Sample Question 8

Cloud disks are reliable because they use_________to provide block-level data storage for ECS instances, ensuring 99.9999999% data reliability.


A. a distributed file management system with 3 redundant copies
B. a file system
C. a double copy distributed system
D. a Linux file system

Answer: A Explanation: Explanation: An ECS disk can be used jointly or separately to meet the requirements of different application scenarios. ECS disks are categorized into ephemeral SSD disks and cloud disks. Compared with ephemeral SSD disks, cloud disks are more reliable as they use a triplicate distributed system to provide block-level data storage for ECS instances, ensuring 99.9999999% data reliability.Reference: [Reference: 24.pdf, ]

Alibaba ACA-Cloud1 Sample Question 9

RDS for MySQL is a PaaS, which means after creating the RDS instance, the user does not need to take care of the underlying OS, runtime environment of software packages. These would be taken care of by Alibaba Cloud.



Answer: C

Alibaba ACA-Cloud1 Sample Question 10

You built an online shop using Alibaba Cloud services (ECS, RDS, …etc.) and very soon you’ll have a campaign that every customer that invites 3 friends will get a 50% off coupon. To avoid HTTP flood attacks and ensure only genuine customers (not bots) joining the event, which security product should you choose?


A. Anti-DDoS Basic
B. Anti-DDoS pro
D. Server Guard

Answer: C Explanation: Explanation: After adding your website to the WAF protection list, you can enable HTTP Flood protection and select an appropriate protection mode for the websiteReference: [Reference:, ]

Alibaba ACA-Cloud1 Sample Question 11

Which of the following statements to OSS bucket is not correct?


A. Every user can create more than one bucket
B. Bucket name can be changed after creation
C. Every bucket should have a unique name
D. There is no limitation to objects number inside one bucket

Answer: B Explanation: Reference: [Reference: spm=a2c63.p38356.a3.3.43f03bb9a3KjLl, ]

Alibaba ACA-Cloud1 Sample Question 12

Alibaba Cloud provides anti-DDoS products of different levels. If the service availability needs to be kept at 99.9% or higher under DDoS attacks, which of the following is the MOST suitable product?


A. Anti-DDoS Service Basic
B. Managed Security Service
C. Situation Awareness
D. Anti-DDoS Service Pro

Answer: A Explanation: Reference: [Reference:, ]

Alibaba ACA-Cloud1 Sample Question 13

Alibaba Cloud CDN can directly accelerate the access to the files stored in OSS and reduce OSS traffic costs.



Answer: B

Alibaba ACA-Cloud1 Sample Question 14

A company wants to migrate its system to public cloud platform and they choose Alibaba Cloud. The migration process is very important and they want to ensure that everything works right. Which of the following services can the company choose?


A. Event Management Service
B. Aftersales Support
C. Alibaba Cloud Architecture Design Training
D. Alibaba Cloud Product Operation Training

Answer: D

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