CompTIA PK0-004 Dumps - CompTIA Project + PDF Sample Questions

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Last Update Date : 04 February, 2025
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CompTIA PK0-004 This Week Result


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Exam Detail Information
Total Time 90 minutes
Exam Fee $329 USD
Passing Marks 710 out of 900
Available Languages English
Prerequisites None
Exam Format Multiple choice questions, drag and drops, and performance-based
Domains Covered
  • Project Basics: 36%
  • Project Constraints: 17%
  • Communication and Change Management: 26%
  • Project Tools and Documentation: 21%
Exam Code PK0-004


Exam Topic Percentage of Exam
Project Basics
- Identify project phases and project life cycle 10%
- Compare different project methodologies and processes 10%
- Explain the importance of organizational governance in project management 8%
- Explain the basics of project selection and initiation 8%
Project Constraints
- Explain the importance of risk strategies and activities 8%
- Identify and analyze project constraints and assumptions 9%
Communication and Change Management
- Given a scenario, select the appropriate communication method and explain the components of a communication plan 13%
- Given a scenario, implement change management best practices 13%
Project Tools and Documentation
- Given a scenario, select the appropriate project management tools and techniques 10%
- Given a scenario, analyze project documentation 11%

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