Palo Alto Networks PSE-Cortex Dumps - Palo Alto Networks System Engineer - Cortex Professional PDF Sample Questions

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Realexamdumps Providing most updated PSE-Cortex Professional | PSE-Endpoint Professional Question Answers. Here are a few exams:

Sample Questions

Realexamdumps Providing most updated PSE-Cortex Professional | PSE-Endpoint Professional Question Answers. Here are a few sample questions:

Palo Alto Networks PSE-Cortex Sample Question 1

Which step is required to prepare the VDI Golden Image?


A. Review any PE files that WildFire determined to be malicious
B. Ensure the latest content updates are installed
C. Run the VDI conversion tool
D. Set the memory dumps to manual setting

Answer: B

Palo Alto Networks PSE-Cortex Sample Question 2

An administrator has a critical group of systems running Windows XP SP3 that cannot be upgraded The administrator wants to evaluate the ability of Traps to protect these systems and the word processing applications running on them

How should an administrator perform this evaluation?


A. Gather information about the word processing applications and run them on a Windows XP SP3 VM Determine if any of the applications are vulnerable and run the exploit with an exploitation tool
B. Run word processing exploits in a latest version of Windows VM in a controlled and isolated environment. Document indicators of compromise and compare to Traps protection capabilities
C. Run a known 2015 flash exploit on a Windows XP SP3 VM. and run an exploitation tool that acts as a listener Use the results to demonstrate Traps capabilities
D. Prepare the latest version of Windows VM Gather information about the word processing applications, determine if some of them are vulnerable and prepare a working exploit for at least one of them Execute with an exploitation tool

Answer: D

Palo Alto Networks PSE-Cortex Sample Question 3

When a Demisto Engine is part of a Load-Balancing group it?


A. Must be in a Load-Balancing group with at least another 3 members
B. It must have port 443 open to allow the Demisto Server to establish a connection
C. Can be used separately as an engine, only if connected to the Demisto Server directly
D. Cannot be used separately and does not appear in the in the engines drop-down menu when configuring an integration instance

Answer: E

Palo Alto Networks PSE-Cortex Sample Question 4

Which option describes a Load-Balancing Engine Group?


A. A group of engines that use an algorithm to efficiently share the workload for integrations
B. A group of engines that ensure High Availability of Demisto backend databases.
C. A group of engines that use an algorithm to efficiently share the workload for automation scripts
D. A group of D2 agents that share processing power across multiple endpoints

Answer: D

Palo Alto Networks PSE-Cortex Sample Question 5

A customer wants to modify the retention periods of their Threat logs in Cortex Data Lake.

Where would the user configure the ratio of storage for each log type?


A. Within the TMS, create an agent settings profile and modify the Disk Quota value
B. It is not possible to configure Cortex Data Lake quota for specific log types.
C. Go to the Cortex Data Lake App in Cloud Services, then choose Configuration and modify the Threat Quota
D. Write a GPO for each endpoint agent to check in less often

Answer: D

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