Microsoft DP-900 Dumps - Microsoft Azure Data Fundamentals PDF Sample Questions

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Microsoft Azure Data Fundamentals
306 Questions
Last Update Date : 10 February, 2025
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Detail Information
Total Time 90 minutes
Exam Fee $99 USD
Passing Marks 700 out of 1000
Available Languages English, Japanese, Korean, Chinese (Simplified), Chinese (Traditional)
Exam Type Multiple Choice
Number of Questions Approximately 40-60
Exam Delivery Online proctored or in-person at testing centers
Prerequisites None
Exam Topics - Describe core data concepts
- Describe roles and responsibilities of a Data Engineer
- Describe Azure data services available


Topic Description
Core Data Concepts - Describe core data concepts including types of data, data workloads, and concepts of relational and non-relational data.
- Describe concepts of data analytics, data processing, and data visualization.
Roles and Responsibilities of a Data Engineer - Describe the role of a Data Engineer, including responsibilities and skills required.
- Understand the differences between a Data Engineer and a Database Administrator.
Azure Data Services Available - Describe various Azure data services, including Azure SQL Database, Azure Cosmos DB, Azure Synapse Analytics, Azure Data Lake Storage, and Azure Databricks.
- Understand the capabilities and use cases for each service.

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Realexamdumps Providing most updated Microsoft Certified: Azure Data Fundamentals Question Answers. Here are a few exams:

Sample Questions

Realexamdumps Providing most updated Microsoft Certified: Azure Data Fundamentals Question Answers. Here are a few sample questions:

Microsoft DP-900 Sample Question 1

You need to store event log data that is semi-structured and received as the logs occur. What should you use?


A. Azure Table storage
B. Azure Queue storage
C. Azure Files

Answer: C

Microsoft DP-900 Sample Question 2

You need to query a table named Products in an Azure SQL database.

Which three requirements must be met to query the table from the internet? Each correct answer presents part of the solution. (Choose three.)

NOTE: Each correct selection is worth one point.


A. You must be assigned the Reader role for the resource group that contains the database.
B. You must have SELECT access to the Products table.
C. You must have a user in the database.
D. You must be assigned the Contributor role for the resource group that contains the database.
E. Your IP address must be allowed to connect to the database.

Answer: B, C, E Explanation: Explanation: m/en-us/sql/relational-databases/security/authentication-access/getting-started-with-database-engine-permissions?view=sql-server-ver16

Microsoft DP-900 Sample Question 3

You need to store data by using Azure Table storage.

What should you create first?


A. an Azure Cosmos DB instance
B. a storage account
C. a blob container
D. a table

Answer: B Explanation: Explanation: First create an Azure storage account, then use Table service in the Azure portal to create a table.Note: An Azure storage account contains all of your Azure Storage data objects: blobs, files, queues, and tables.Reference: [Reference:,, ,, , , , ]

Microsoft DP-900 Sample Question 4

Which Azure SQL offering supports automatic database scaling and automatic pausing of the database during inactive periods?


A. Azure SQL Database Hyperscale
B. Azure SQL managed instance
C. Azure SQL Database serveless
D. Azure SQL Database elastic pod

Answer: C

Microsoft DP-900 Sample Question 5

You have a SQL query that combines customer data and order data. The query includes calculated columns.

You need to persist the SQL query so that other users can use the query. What should you create?


A. a table
B. an index
C. scalar function
D. a view

Answer: D Explanation: Explanation: A view is a virtual table whose contents are defined by a query. A view acts as a filter on the underlying tables referenced in the view. The query that defines the view can be from one or more tables or from other views in the current or other databases.Reference: [Reference:,, , , ]

Microsoft DP-900 Sample Question 6

What Is a benefit of hosting a database on Azure SQL managed instance as compared to an Azure SQL database?


A. native support for cross-database queries and transactions
B. built-in high availability
C. system-Initiated automatic backups
D. support for encryption at rest

Answer: A Explanation: Reference: [Reference:,, , ]

Microsoft DP-900 Sample Question 7

You have an Azure SQL database that you access directly from the internet.

You recently changed your external IP address.

After changing the IP address, you can no longer access the database. You can connect to other resources in Azure

What is a possible cause of the issue?


A. a database-level firewall
B. role-based access control (RSAC)
C. Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP)
D. Domain Name Service (DNS)

Answer: A Explanation: Explanation: The Azure SQL Database firewall lets you decide which IP addresses may or may not have access to either your Azure SQL Server or your Azure SQL database.When creating an Azure SQL Database, the firewall needs to be configured before anyone will be able to access the database. By default, no external access to your SQL Database will be allowed until you explicitly assign permission by creating a firewall rule.Reference: [Reference:,, , , ]

Microsoft DP-900 Sample Question 8

Which three objects can be added to a Microsoft Power BI dashboard? Each correct answer presents a

complete solution. (Choose three.)

NOTE: Each correct selection is worth one point.


A. a report page
B. a Microsoft PowerPoint slide
C. a visualization from a report
D. a dataflow
E. a text box

Answer: A, C, E Explanation: Reference: [Reference:,,, , , , ]

Microsoft DP-900 Sample Question 9

What is the primary purpose of a data warehouse?


A. to provide answers to complex queries that rely on data from multiple sources
B. to provide transformation services between source and target data stores
C. to provide read-only storage of relational and non-relational historical data
D. to provide storage for transactional line-of-business (LOB) applications

Answer: C Explanation: Explanation: Consider using a data warehouse when you need to keep historical data separate from the source transaction systems for performance reasons. Data warehouses make it easy to access historical data from multiple locations, by providing a centralized location using common formats, keys, and data models.Query both relational and nonrelational data.Reference: [Reference:,, , ]

Microsoft DP-900 Sample Question 10

A bar chart showing year-to date sales by region is an example of which type of analytics?


A. descriptive
B. diagnostic
C. predictive
D. prescriptive

Answer: C

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