Isaca CISA Dumps - Certified Information Systems Auditor PDF Sample Questions

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CISA Complete Exam Details

Exam Detail Value
Total Time 4 hours
Exam Fee $575 (ISACA member), $760 (non-member)
Passing Marks 450/800 (scaled score)
Available Languages English, Chinese Simplified, Chinese Traditional, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Spanish, Turkish
Exam Format Multiple choice questions
Number of Questions 150
Exam Domains
  1. Domain 1: Information Systems Auditing Process (21%)
  2. Domain 2: Governance and Management of IT (17%)
  3. Domain 3: Information Systems Acquisition, Development, and Implementation (12%)
  4. Domain 4: Information Systems Operations and Business Resilience (23%)
  5. Domain 5: Protection of Information Assets (27%)
Prerequisites At least 5 years of professional information systems auditing, control, or security work experience (waivers available)


Domain Description Percentage
Domain 1 Information Systems Auditing Process 21%
Domain 2 Governance and Management of IT 17%
Domain 3 Information Systems Acquisition, Development, and Implementation 12%
Domain 4 Information Systems Operations and Business Resilience 23%
Domain 5 Protection of Information Assets 27%

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Realexamdumps Providing most updated Isaca certification Question Answers. Here are a few exams:

Sample Questions

Realexamdumps Providing most updated Isaca certification Question Answers. Here are a few sample questions:

Isaca CISA Sample Question 1

Which of the following demonstrates the use of data analytics for a loan origination process?


A. Evaluating whether loan records are included in the batch file and are validated by the servicing system
B. Comparing a population of loans input in the origination system to loans booked on the servicing system
C. Validating whether reconciliations between the two systems are performed and discrepancies are investigated
D. Reviewing error handling controls to notify appropriate personnel in the event of a transmission failure

Answer: C

Isaca CISA Sample Question 2

Which of the following should an IS auditor recommend as a PRIMARY area of focus when an organization decides to outsource technical support for its external customers?


A. Align service level agreements (SLAs) with current needs.
B. Monitor customer satisfaction with the change.
C. Minimize costs related to the third-party agreement.
D. Ensure right to audit is included within the contract.

Answer: B

Isaca CISA Sample Question 3

Which audit approach is MOST helpful in optimizing the use of IS audit resources?


A. Agile auditing
B. Continuous auditing
C. Outsourced auditing
D. Risk-based auditing

Answer: E

Isaca CISA Sample Question 4

Which of the following MOST effectively minimizes downtime during system conversions?


A. Phased approach
B. Direct cutover
C. Pilot study
D. Parallel run

Answer: E

Isaca CISA Sample Question 5

Which of the following security risks can be reduced by a property configured network firewall?


A. SQL injection attacks
B. Denial of service (DoS) attacks
C. Phishing attacks
D. Insider attacks

Answer: C

Isaca CISA Sample Question 6

An IS auditor is examining a front-end subledger and a main ledger. Which of the following would be the GREATEST concern if there are flaws in the mapping of accounts between the two systems?


A. Double-posting of a single journal entry
B. Inability to support new business transactions
C. Unauthorized alteration of account attributes
D. Inaccuracy of financial reporting

Answer: E

Isaca CISA Sample Question 7

When an intrusion into an organization network is deleted, which of the following should be done FIRST?


A. Block all compromised network nodes.
B. Contact law enforcement.
C. Notify senior management.
D. Identity nodes that have been compromised.

Answer: E

Isaca CISA Sample Question 8

During an IT governance audit, an IS auditor notes that IT policies and procedures are not regularly reviewed and updated. The GREATEST concern to the IS auditor is that policies and procedures might not:


A. reflect current practices.
B. include new systems and corresponding process changes.
C. incorporate changes to relevant laws.
D. be subject to adequate quality assurance (QA).

Answer: E

Isaca CISA Sample Question 9

Which of the following is the PRIMARY reason for an IS auditor to conduct post-implementation reviews?


A. To determine whether project objectives in the business case have been achieved
B. To ensure key stakeholder sign-off has been obtained
C. To align project objectives with business needs
D. To document lessons learned to improve future project delivery

Answer: B

Isaca CISA Sample Question 10

Which of the following is the MOST important reason to implement version control for an end-user computing (EUC) application?


A. To ensure that older versions are availability for reference
B. To ensure that only the latest approved version of the application is used
C. To ensure compatibility different versions of the application
D. To ensure that only authorized users can access the application

Answer: C

Isaca CISA Sample Question 11

Which of the following is MOST important to ensure when developing an effective security awareness program?


A. Training personnel are information security professionals.
B. Phishing exercises are conducted post-training.
C. Security threat scenarios are included in the program content.
D. Outcome metrics for the program are established.

Answer: E

Isaca CISA Sample Question 12

Which of the following Is the BEST way to ensure payment transaction data is restricted to the appropriate users?


A. Implementing two-factor authentication
B. Restricting access to transactions using network security software
C. implementing role-based access at the application level
D. Using a single menu tor sensitive application transactions

Answer: D

Isaca CISA Sample Question 13

Which of the following occurs during the issues management process for a system development project?


A. Contingency planning
B. Configuration management
C. Help desk management
D. Impact assessment

Answer: E

Isaca CISA Sample Question 14

An IS auditor finds that a key Internet-facing system is vulnerable to attack and that patches are not available. What should the auditor recommend be done FIRST?


A. Implement a new system that can be patched.
B. Implement additional firewalls to protect the system.
C. Decommission the server.
D. Evaluate the associated risk.

Answer: E

Isaca CISA Sample Question 15

Which of the following is the PRIMARY advantage of parallel processing for a new system implementation?


A. Assurance that the new system meets functional requirements
B. More time for users to complete training for the new system
C. Significant cost savings over other system implemental or approaches
D. Assurance that the new system meets performance requirements

Answer: B

Isaca CISA Sample Question 16

During a follow-up audit, it was found that a complex security vulnerability of low risk was not resolved within the agreed-upon timeframe. IT has stated that the system with the identified vulnerability is being replaced and is expected to be fully functional in two months Which of the following is the BEST course of action?


A. Require documentation that the finding will be addressed within the new system
B. Schedule a meeting to discuss the issue with senior management
C. Perform an ad hoc audit to determine if the vulnerability has been exploited
D. Recommend the finding be resolved prior to implementing the new system

Answer: D

Isaca CISA Sample Question 17

To enable the alignment of IT staff development plans with IT strategy, which of the following should be done FIRST?


A. Review IT staff job descriptions for alignment
B. Develop quarterly training for each IT staff member.
C. Identify required IT skill sets that support key business processes
D. Include strategic objectives m IT staff performance objectives

Answer: D

Isaca CISA Sample Question 18

Which of the following would BEST determine whether a post-implementation review (PIR) performed by the project management office (PMO) was effective?


A. Lessons learned were implemented.
B. Management approved the PIR report.
C. The review was performed by an external provider.
D. Project outcomes have been realized.

Answer: E

Isaca CISA Sample Question 19

A data breach has occurred due lo malware. Which of the following should be the FIRST course of action?


A. Notify the cyber insurance company.
B. Shut down the affected systems.
C. Quarantine the impacted systems.
D. Notify customers of the breach.

Answer: D

Isaca CISA Sample Question 20

Which of the following should be GREATEST concern to an IS auditor reviewing data conversion and migration during the implementation of a new application system?


A. Data conversion was performed using manual processes.
B. Backups of the old system and data are not available online.
C. Unauthorized data modifications occurred during conversion.
D. The change management process was not formally documented

Answer: D

Isaca CISA Sample Question 21

When testing the adequacy of tape backup procedures, which step BEST verifies that regularly scheduled Backups are timely and run to completion?


A. Observing the execution of a daily backup run
B. Evaluating the backup policies and procedures
C. Interviewing key personnel evolved In the backup process
D. Reviewing a sample of system-generated backup logs

Answer: B

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