Eccouncil 312-85 Dumps - Certified Threat Intelligence Analyst (CTIA) PDF Sample Questions

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Sample Questions

Realexamdumps Providing most updated CCISO Question Answers. Here are a few sample questions:

Eccouncil 312-85 Sample Question 1

During the process of threat intelligence analysis, John, a threat analyst, successfully extracted an indication of adversary’s information, such as Modus operandi, tools, communication channels, and forensics evasion strategies used by adversaries.

Identify the type of threat intelligence analysis is performed by John.


A. Operational threat intelligence analysis
B. Technical threat intelligence analysis
C. Strategic threat intelligence analysis
D. Tactical threat intelligence analysis

Answer: E

Eccouncil 312-85 Sample Question 2

Daniel is a professional hacker whose aim is to attack a system to steal data and money for profit. He performs hacking to obtain confidential data such as social security numbers, personally identifiable information (PII) of an employee, and credit card information. After obtaining confidential data, he further sells the information on the black market to make money.

Daniel comes under which of the following types of threat actor.


A. Industrial spies
B. State-sponsored hackers
C. Insider threat
D. Organized hackers

Answer: E

Eccouncil 312-85 Sample Question 3

John, a professional hacker, is trying to perform APT attack on the target organization network. He gains access to a single system of a target organization and tries to obtain administrative login credentials to gain further access to the systems in the network using various techniques.

What phase of the advanced persistent threat lifecycle is John currently in?


A. Initial intrusion
B. Search and exfiltration
C. Expansion
D. Persistence

Answer: D

Eccouncil 312-85 Sample Question 4

An XYZ organization hired Mr. Andrews, a threat analyst. In order to identify the threats and mitigate the effect of such threats, Mr. Andrews was asked to perform threat modeling. During the process of threat modeling, he collected important information about the treat actor and characterized the analytic behavior of the adversary that includes technological details, goals, and motives that can be useful in building a strong countermeasure.

What stage of the threat modeling is Mr. Andrews currently in?


A. System modeling
B. Threat determination and identification
C. Threat profiling and attribution
D. Threat ranking

Answer: D

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